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How can you tell?

How can you tell if your prospective IE is just as great in real life as they seem in their chat? I'm loving talking online, and I really hope he lives up to my expectations...How can I certify my gut feelings!

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Comments (110)

1408586 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 08:35PM

Ha ha I get you. I think we all have to accept when we have sex it may turn out to be a one time thing? But there’s no reason to feel pressured into sex on the first meet for example.

Although if you have the problem of lots of women after ONS from you on here… some would say there are worse issues in life 😉😂

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Tryssic - 17 Aug, 2024 - 08:28PM

Sorry, my mistake Becky, I'm getting a bit tied up. I should have said 'someone (either sex) trying to scam their way...', as in trying to behave in a way they think you want them to be just to have a one night stand, unless that's what you're after.
Come to think of it, I may be confusing myself.

1408586 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 08:01PM

Tryssic I don’t understand your question- you’re a man and worried another man might try and scam their way into bed with you?

Most people just meet for a quick coffee!

Tryssic - 17 Aug, 2024 - 07:40PM

Sorry, I'm new to all this. I understand that a meet is where you know if there's a connection, but is it just a feeling that a guy isn't trying to scam his way into bed with you?

I'm guessing it's my naivety here, but am conflicted about the whole trusting someone when either of you could be deceiving someone else. Maybe I should get over my hang ups and just embrace being in the company of like minded people.

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Tas2024 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 07:12PM

It's easy I'm definitely better in person I can't form a exciting sentence let alone conversation 😂

Somniata - 17 Aug, 2024 - 07:08PM

In my experience I've found that in most cases if someone is engaging and on the same wavelength with me while we are chatting, we are likely to get on. Unfortunately I've also found that there are many guys who seem happy to just chat! If the chats are funny and interesting, frankly I don't mind. I've had a few purely online relationships that I really enjoyed! But if you need to move onto a real life affair, you have to meet up to ascertain if the virtual matches up with the physical reality.

Paula99 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 06:36PM

Honesty ….the word cracks me up..

We will be on Netflix at this rate ..#AM

Unwoke! - 17 Aug, 2024 - 06:26PM

Meet him! 😂

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1697099 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 04:59PM

You can’t be sure without meeting each other and you need to be brutally honest in your messages.
If it’s a meet up for sex say so!
If it’s a meet and you want time to think, say so. Just be downright honest!

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Notts2024 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 03:23PM

Personally, I don't know whether the chemistry is there until I meet someone in the flesh. It's silly spending weeks investing your time into someone that may never be more than a friend, get out there and meet people asap.

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