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Do I really have a type...

Has covid made you change your preferences in what you are seeking? I’m chatting to some men I probably wouldn’t have normally gone for, and I’m feeling pleasantly surprised.

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Comments (88)

1370351 - 09 Jun, 2020 - 02:37PM


Yes that happened to me once before too. Made me very wary of most on here who tend to send a few messages then disappear when they get bored! But also made me realise don't put all my eggs into one basket.

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1306426 - 09 Jun, 2020 - 02:35PM

I generally have a type but have decided to venture outside that box. Started chatting to a guy this morning, we talked on the phone in last hour and we're meeting Thursday (obviously adhering to the social distancing rules, unless we decide to break them ;) )....
Whatever happens will be.....

1360846 - 08 Jun, 2020 - 07:06PM

Lushlips 1978 same had just happened to me. Found mine back on here

grianne - 08 Jun, 2020 - 03:39PM

I'm more inclined to give someone a chance, than I would have done before. In the last two weeks I've taken up offers to have sex with five different men and I've been surprised how much fun I've had with men that previously I would have discounted.

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1389672 - 08 Jun, 2020 - 02:16PM

That’s such a great question. I think my perspectives have changed as a result of COVID. I’ve moved more into my adult self. So yes, I think it’s made me bolder, more confident and that has definitely changed my attitude.

JaguarJJ - 08 Jun, 2020 - 11:02AM

Yes. Most definitely have a type, whenever I've dated outside of my type it's never worked out haha

Beardandsandals - 07 Jun, 2020 - 03:33PM

Not really. It's the same grab at what you can unless you lose your chance. Taking on an ie doesn't make you any better at amassing a choice and then selecting from them. It's also especially difficult via internet dating.

So often fellows will accept any offer that comes, because it's all that's on the horizon at any time.

So often women hold off the hordes for too long and better suited men lose interest.

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1117169 - 07 Jun, 2020 - 02:27PM


I don't know why anyone would not want to chat on KIk to get to know someone better. Its totally private, discreet and accessible and if you are not logging in here and chatting off site instead then it gives both parties some reassurance that they are not playing the field.

Maybe that's why some don't want to!

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AA1RON - 07 Jun, 2020 - 12:23AM

Hi all
For me there hasn't been any significant change as such. I've always liked a variety of females and am open minded. If I look at my ex girlfriends and affair partners it's impossible to come up with a type let alo
The chemistry and compatibility are as important and often ruled by instinct and feelings. This applies to virtual chat and in person.
I have found that I'm being more patient because of Covid 19. Simply because of the lockdown.
So it doesn't matter if your a Male or Female because you find time wasters and picture collectors in both. IEs that after a particular height, shape or other preferences do make it clear in their profiles..
Examples that I have come across are as specific as preferring only caucasian types and making it clear that they are not interested in overweight IE partners. Which is honest at the outset and prevents embarrassment or rejection later on. It's a personal choice if IEs have a specific preference. Hence some IEs requests for pics early to avoid awkward situat

1360475 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 11:59PM

So why am I attracting not so many good , a few bad ...but plenty of... damd right bloody ugly ...

Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh ..but it's true

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