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Do I really have a type...

Has covid made you change your preferences in what you are seeking? I’m chatting to some men I probably wouldn’t have normally gone for, and I’m feeling pleasantly surprised.

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Comments (88)

1387952 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 12:51PM

ExoticOrchid - 06 Jun, 2020 - 11:16AM

Yes, I too have experienced men whom say 'oh, I've never been with an oriental before'.

Maybe it's some kind of sex bingo? Trying for a full house? Haha! x

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1386174 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 12:41PM

@PecanPie 10.58
Oooh do share....
I do have a somewhat prickly profile which so many do not read before messaging...
I prefer the slow burners, too many men are... how can I put this (?).... up themselves....

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1389224 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 12:23PM

Perceptions are changed by experiences, you realise that meeting isnt going to happen just yet so you chat and get to know someone for who they are and not a quick sexual encounter

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Chezley - 06 Jun, 2020 - 11:58AM

What I think folk are experiencing is the early days of the internet and dating especially. When you believed anything was possible. You imagined it would be possible to fly from Portsmouth to stornoway in a day, have an ie and still get home to cook for the kids at nursery.

Have you forgotten what has passed since those early days?

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1358683 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 11:18AM

I think the current situation has definitely changed me and my outlook on what I want and am looking for. I’ve been chatting to someone and really built up, what I feel, is a good basis for a really exciting relationship.

But yet he is further away than I would normally like as I can’t really travel so I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have ruled him out under normal circumstances! Also I prefer to meet relatively quickly, well within a month anyway and that’s been different - but also lovely to take the time to find out about the person behind the pics

Fingers crossed it’s all works out 🤞🏻

ExoticOrchid - 06 Jun, 2020 - 11:16AM

PecanPie - 06 Jun, 2020 - 10:58AM
"I don’t know if guys here have a type concerning black women/ Asian ( other race aside Caucasians) or they just go along to see , I dare Say if I may the thrill or fetish Of being with someone from another race haven’t been with."

Yes, there are a few like that here … not all but some … have had one or two very crude messages with "I've never f*#%ed an Oriental before" etc … but the decent ones don't mention it until later in the chat to ask where I'm from and I have no problems with that and I'm always happy to tell them.

I have also read profiles where they actually state they are specifically looking for non-Caucasians.

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PecanPie - 06 Jun, 2020 - 11:07AM

@Tease Me
I honestly don’t know why they use that good old ploy of “ my membership is expiring if you want to continue talking we can go to kik or whatsapp” bla bla bla black sheep! 🙄

When they do, I always wish them Goodluck and a blessed day and hope they renew their membership. Peace ✌🏾 and out!

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Chezley - 06 Jun, 2020 - 10:58AM

Bit of a daft topic. Folk will be the same as they usually are.

I haven't read any profile that makes me think the writer has had some kind of transformation directly related to our circumstances.

At first I was afraid I was petrified......

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PecanPie - 06 Jun, 2020 - 10:58AM

It could turn out to be something interesting and a pleasant surprise so you never know. I have been talking to someone that is unbelievable and everything I want . First impression/msg was me aloof and off but it’s been erm pleasantly good so far 😊* If only I could blush *
On another note I don’t know if guys here have a type concerning black women/ Asian ( other race aside Caucasians) or they just go along to see , I dare Say if I may the thrill or fetish Of being with someone from another race haven’t been with. It will be interesting to know if some men on here are generally interested in dating women from other races

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1365230 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 10:39AM

I have been snapped up by a guy who is not quite my type really.
I didn’t show much interest in him when he messaged me at first, older than my age bracket. Not the looks I would normally go for
But he’s turned out to be great. Hot and delicious 😋

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