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Lockdown Loving :P

After yesterday's announcement I have decided to meet my IE from a social distance on Wednesday. Should we hit it off we have decided to become more intimate and make a pact we don't see others for everyone safety. what's everyone's thoughts?

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Comments (82)

CroydonCentaur - 17 May, 2020 - 03:21PM

Hey Teicu.
Yes, I do get frustrated at (IMO) the misunderstood approach to IE.
although, of course, members should have their own experience. I just think it's not a dating site, so am 🙄 at profiles describing seeking love of their life etc.

Hey Delphina,
No, definitely no personal attack(s) intended. Rather, I Definitely voiced irritation at the culture of fear created (by Westminster, not IE!!), as I think it's really negative.

Define "necessary", in a 'lockdown' chat room?

ExoticOrchid - 17 May, 2020 - 02:52PM

CroydonCentaur 11:28AM

Is your comment really necessary??? 🤔😲🙄

Delphina - 17 May, 2020 - 02:33PM

Go for it, why not, I think I will do the same
Is this CroydonCentaur was replying to you?
If so, Im shocked!!!
Thats a very personal attack, wow 😳

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851951 - 17 May, 2020 - 01:56PM

Croydon C
I sense a bit of frustration there

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CroydonCentaur - 17 May, 2020 - 11:28AM

The scariest thing about the last two months is how many UK citizens believe and are affected by and comply with every broken, misguided and misplaced policy, statistic and announcement of this administration.
You know the news is fake and yet do what you're told?
Are you sure you should be planning an affair? Maybe you forgot your marriage vows were wrong aswell, and that's why you're on this site.

If you think it's not safe to meet now, 🙄
What will change and make you think it's "safe to meet up again"?
Because BoJo told you?
Good luck with your faith in what you read.

This site is called Illicit Encounters not mildly flirtatious butterfly-inducing texts.
Get out there and meet and screw and use protection from STDs and being caught, not from close contact.
Playing hard to get, and exchanging teasing texts, or are we-aren't we messages is not having an affair it's school age immature prevarication.

851951 - 15 May, 2020 - 11:52AM

You are welcome
Hope you find a decent sort on here soon

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1383572 - 15 May, 2020 - 07:19AM

Teicu ...... Your comment made me 😊 smile; Thank you.

I am so thankful that there was no intimacy because I like to take my time to get to know someone.


Devonian1954 - 14 May, 2020 - 09:11PM

Jimfit - "track and trace" can be immobilised if you turn off the Bluetooth whilst you meet,

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1382044 - 14 May, 2020 - 08:53PM

I've met my ie in a park on a warm day. Very romantic even with the distancing.

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ARAGON67 - 13 May, 2020 - 08:13PM

if you want to make a go of it then to me that's the right choice . Remember if you are bad juggler all the balls will fall before you catch them and you end up with none

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