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Lockdown Loving :P

After yesterday's announcement I have decided to meet my IE from a social distance on Wednesday. Should we hit it off we have decided to become more intimate and make a pact we don't see others for everyone safety. what's everyone's thoughts?

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Comments (82)

Orgasmseeker - 12 May, 2020 - 08:37AM

I’m very strongly against meeting in these circumstances. Yes, it’s boring staring at the same four walls of your house but I’d wait. Meeting him in your local park now with unlimited exercise- you’d be asking for trouble as your whole street is probably down there. He’ll be in the same situation in his local green space. If you have no regards for your own safety, think of your family and complete strangers for that matter. Those in toxic and abusive relationships for whom every minute of every day is hell on earth and any extra days of lockdown because the transmission rate goes up due to people like yourself may push them to last resorts. Think of all those children who only get one hot meal a day when in school. Yes, for 6 weeks now some children haven’t had a proper meal because their families can’t afford it.
Do not be selfish! Stay at home for the greater good!
I think we can stay in our ivory towers for a bit longer and wait for it to pass.

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All things and wonderful - 11 May, 2020 - 11:52PM

Patience is a virtue...
BUT we're allowed to meet in the park with people from other households as long as social distancing is observed... go for it girl!

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Frontrowmennace - 11 May, 2020 - 11:16PM

Don't do it. Wait til it's safe. You don't know if you or her are carriers without showing any symptoms. Stay safe, for everyone's sake. 😷👍

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1365963 - 11 May, 2020 - 11:11PM

Hi Everyone
How’s everyone doing ?

1365963 - 11 May, 2020 - 11:09PM

Safety comes first !

1332870 - 11 May, 2020 - 11:02PM

Totally selfish. Assuming you both have partners and possibly children.
Why put them at risk.

If he's asking you to meet you're probably not the first.

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 11 May, 2020 - 10:59PM

Realistically neither of you will probably catch anything. However, it’s been said we shouldn’t do it, and it’s likely to only be for a few more weeks. Just be a responsible adult (I know, that’s rich on this site) and do as you’re told. Wait. If he’s worth having he’ll be happy to wait. Shit, sounds like we’re 5th formers

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tea_coffee_me_ - 11 May, 2020 - 10:55PM


Having been here a while, I know how fruitless constant chat or messages are without meeting.
Under 'normal' circumstances I try to meet within about a week, give or take them being in the country or a different part of the country.

Many people on here are afraid for their lives with this 'virus.'
I am sure the risk of being caught having an affair is much higher than the world % death rate especially as many who die of cancer, diabetes etc are added to the death rate, so no idea how they will REALLY cope with an affair and the genuine risks it brings!
Risk of being caught must be over 0.00004 - 0.04%!!

Many of us see the stats n risks in a different way....

So yes meet up ASAP, hysteria distance if you both wish.
My first meetings are in public anyway, and with decent weather, picnics are an option.

You only know via meeting, and over the years the % that go on to a second meeting is LOW.
Go meet and if it does not work, time for you both to move on :-)
Good luck :-)

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509129 - 11 May, 2020 - 10:21PM

I wouldn't risk it either . Do you trust each other not to see each other don't forget you both probably have partners too . At least wait until we can have a haircut .

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1376072 - 11 May, 2020 - 10:05PM

Hello everyone x

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