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Should I keep my options open?

I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?

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Comments (124)

Dancing In The Rain - 25 May, 2020 - 04:21PM

First of all lucky you 😉. I think you have every right to talk to both, once you've met maybe then, based on the relationship you both chose to have.

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gemini2310 - 25 May, 2020 - 03:33PM

Keep in touch with both you have not even met them you may not like either when you meet or visa versa don't put all your eggs in one basket it's fantasy chatting on here can be very different in reality

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Buffalo King - 25 May, 2020 - 02:23PM

You haven’t met either so If you want to keep in touch with both then do so. Tell both parties that this will continue until such time as you decide you may mutually want to be exclusive
At present you are like pen pals due to lockdown and they cannot ask you to only have them as the pen pal.
Next thing you know they will want you to delete all the contact details of the opposite sex that you have...

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TwoBitCoins - 25 May, 2020 - 02:08PM

Since you have not met either of them I think you should agree until after your first meeting with both. I would do this on the basis that i fully intend to be exclusive BUT at this juncture you haven't the information/experience that a meeting brings.

After the meeting you may proceed with neither in which no harm done.

Once you have made a choice then stick to you word.

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 25 May, 2020 - 01:27PM

I don’t know if the question is from a man or woman (irrelevant really ..). I’m going to assume it’s from a bloke just because ..
To be honest, I wouldn’t even think to ask such a question at this early stage. For both your new contacts to have ‘asked for exclusivity’ implies the topic must have been discussed / brought up by yourself. If you did bring up the topic, it’s your own fault that you received the response you did. You must reply in an honest way; if you’re not prepared to be exclusive yet (FFS, we’re not 12), tell them. If they don’t like it, too bad. If you didn’t bring it up, and it’s just a very bizarre coincidence that they’ve both had the same idea at the same time, I’d dump the pair of them. They sound needy and irritating.
As has been said before, you haven’t met beyond the keyboard, you may not like / fancy of or both of them when you finally do meet. Their personalities might be flatter than a witches tit, and they may have faces to match.
Sorry, I sou

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Macali76 - 25 May, 2020 - 01:24PM

As long as they dont know about each other, then you exclusive to them.

Keep you options open and decide when your ready.

I wish I was in your position chatting to 2 ladies.

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1386823 - 25 May, 2020 - 12:05PM

Keep in touch with both but be open

splendored - 25 May, 2020 - 11:29AM

There is nothing wrong with asking or agreeing to be exclusive once you have reached the point where you want to be exclusive.
Reading the comments on here makes me realise what a varied bunch of people there are on IE. I have been on here long enough to come across some strange characters. Not been asked for money or met any roadkill yet......

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1375097 - 25 May, 2020 - 11:24AM

I’d keep in touch with both of them because you still don’t know what they’re like. One may be a right so and so and you don’t want that to be the one you decided to keep in touch with.

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1357586 - 25 May, 2020 - 10:56AM

I think asking someone to be exclusive when you haven't even met is demanding and not realistic, and also not true in what they want. Why can't people be more honest? For me this should be foremost.

This isn't a conventional dating site, this should, for me, be a this is what I want site, maybe a few compromises but nothing binding or permanent, or maybe I'm being idealistic?

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