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Should I keep my options open?

I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?

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Comments (124)

1586130 - 23 Jan, 2024 - 10:48AM

This is the flip side of the unequal gender balance when it comes to dating. Women are spoiled for choice and can afford to be extremely picky. Instead of improving themselves, some men will resort to "dating down" and some will lie in order to get at least some attention. The whole online dating ecosystem fails both men and women in different ways. It promises everything and delivers very little.
My profile is written to weed out women who don't share my sense of humour. Clearly that includes you.

LadyDe - 22 Jan, 2024 - 08:27PM

@Hottie Spicy

So basically men are so desperate on here that they will “shag” your words anything that shows them attention, surely some chemistry or attraction is needed? Although you will if they hate you it seems … wow what a fickle bone, I need to take my Rose Tinted glasses off and consider all the BS I’ve had so far 🤔
Maybe I can’t sniff it out as much as I thought

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FluffyClouds - 22 Jan, 2024 - 08:00PM

Hottie Spicy -

I'm a discerning shopper though. The tat sellers wouldn't get anything from my purse.

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Cecile bronx650 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 09:31PM

You can try and know about them before choosing

1586130 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 08:00PM

@giggly hamster
"For me, if I’ve got that far, why would I not want to keep in touch with that person Friendship is friendship, transcendent far beyond any lust or passion - should they wish it of course."

If you willingly settle for FriendZone relegation, that's up to you. I very much doubt it's what you want, though. Why not go the whole hog and offer to dogsit for the woman in question so she can spend a night of passion with some other dude 🤣🤣🤣

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1586130 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 07:06PM

Yes. That's what I am telling you.

You are like the rich woman walking through the bazaar - every seller is desperate for your money and will tell you pretty much any BS to get it.

If you enjoy the leverage of being one of the few rich buyers in a sea of desperate sellers, don't be surprised when some of those sellers lie through their teeth to get your money.

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FluffyClouds - 21 Jan, 2024 - 06:34PM

Hottie Spicy -

So, you're telling me that most men on IE will pretty much 'make do' with someone just so they can 'get their rocks off'. That's not flattering for them or the women on here.

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1586130 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 06:14PM

Fluffy, I think we have had similar conversations before. For an average guy, the route to even being "thrown a bone" is long and arduous. Once thrown, we will usually chew it for all it's worth if we're hungry enough.

This is the flip side of the massively unequal online dating ecosystem. If men are treated as disposable commodities, you can't then expect them to act like gentlemen. It ain't gonna happen.

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FluffyClouds - 21 Jan, 2024 - 02:01PM

Giggly Hamster -

You said:
As a man on here very few have that luxury due to weight of numbers and law of averages. As you say Matt, you message a coupe of dozen women, half a dozen might reply, and maybe a few more might "view your profile" . of that half dozen maybe two wiill speak the rest will be "sorry, seeing someone"

Of those two you might get a bone thrown your way but it;s still 5050 as to whether they want to take it further.

So, you're grateful for the two who threw you a bone? It all depends on whether they want to take it further'

That comes across like you're quite happy to start an affair with someone 'just' because they threw you a bone and were your only two options 🤷 Doesn't it matter to you if you are attracted or interested in them? What if you aren't? Would you take it further just because they were the only two options you had? Why on earth would you do that?

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1586130 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 01:49PM

Paula, any man on IE who tells you they have "too many options" is lying. Unless they happen to be Brad Pitt's better looking brother.

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