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Drinking Etiquette

Thoughts on drinking protocol on a first date? Anyone else have a pre-drink for dutch courage?

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Comments (53)

Gilbertsourgrape - 01 Jun, 2020 - 09:15AM

None I gave up and improving each year. It's no different to any other drug. If you can handle it, okay. If not don't do it.

But any affair that relies on more than 'social' drinking, is of no interest to me.

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1386735 - 01 Jun, 2020 - 09:15AM

Why not have a tipple? You might need more than one if your date is not as described!

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1328828 - 01 Jun, 2020 - 09:11AM

A pre-drink for Dutch courage? No, I find the butterflies to be an amazing feeling on their own. Tipsy butterflies really wouldn’t be a pleasant feeling!

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