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Living with and seeing my husband 24/7 during lockdown has made me really appreciated the relationships outside of my marriage. Feeling seriously grateful for some of the wonderful people I've met on IE over the years ❤️ Just wanted to put that one out there!

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Comments (53)

1565974 - 28 Nov, 2022 - 06:01PM

Good on you👍

3rdAge - 24 Jun, 2020 - 03:44PM

Well said and I agree

hantsclitlicker - 23 Jun, 2020 - 02:38PM

I know the feeling. Stopped me going around the twist.

1383025 - 21 Jun, 2020 - 11:52PM

Grateful for having an outlet to escape the monotony at home!

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Dancing In The Rain - 21 Jun, 2020 - 04:29PM

Grateful for IE.. meeting people on her, with passion and spirit has renewed by faith in people, made me feel less isolated.

Can't wait to meet up again after lockdown x

1360475 - 21 Jun, 2020 - 11:18AM

Thank the lord for I.E , it's been my saving grace over these past few weeks , not necessarily in complete lock down with partner as we're both key workers but times have been streched to say the very least...
I've spoken to quite a few men of different ages and in different locations that I wouldn't normally talk with ( only because of distance and more so the age gap is to great ) none the less it has kept me sane and positive that when we finally get over this craziness there MAY just be the one I'm looking for out there..SOMEWHERE x

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GreekAndy - 14 Jun, 2020 - 10:55PM

hi as a newbie have you got any advise on how to make good connections on here?

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1389672 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 05:42PM

Gentlemanindisguise... 'Most relationships need a bit of spark outside the family home to survive'...

LOL...Spoken like a true Gentleman!

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1390988 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 04:36PM

Most relationships need a bit of spark outside the family home to survive

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bob_herts - 12 Jun, 2020 - 04:27PM

The painful, rejection-lined journey to find someone you want to be with on this site is definitely worth the effort. I've had more honesty, frisson and butterflies from my IE friend that I ever had with my wife who took me for granted for years.

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