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Ready to meet?

Hi, has anyone else arranged to meet now restrictions are easing? I had a picnic at the park Thursday afternoon and I was suprised just how good it was!

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Comments (175)

1266690 - 04 Jul, 2020 - 09:08PM

I've been working all through the pandemic . Life has to go on . Enjoy it . Be safe. A person is sensible. People are dumb sheep.

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Myladyeva - 28 Jun, 2020 - 12:17PM

That's nice I wish more men would think outside the box

tea_coffee_me_ - 24 Jun, 2020 - 09:33AM

BestThingsInLifeAreFree -
ahhhh I did not have a general problem with people hording ...if they could afford to do so, just do it generally, not at the last minute!!
I cannot in all honesty blame anyone NOT wishing to queue outside for an hour or more (in the heat or heavy wind and rain) with or without children etc.
Then have others scream at them for being 1.95 cm away


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tea_coffee_me_ - 24 Jun, 2020 - 09:10AM

"Demuncher -. Maybe it’s just my date is keeping her cards close to her chest but looking forward to it nevertheless!"
- ??

Just like any other meeting, apart from 'don't get caught' 'avoid OTHER people being hurt'
Enjoy :-)

Demuncher - 24 Jun, 2020 - 07:58AM

Going for my first IE date, tomorrow evening, in a mutually convenient park. Given the more discrete nature of most people on this site, there is a little trepidation given how little I know about my prospective date.

I have used more overt dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble and POF and was fully prepped and knew exactly what I was getting into prior to any dates. Maybe it’s just my date is keeping her cards close to her chest but looking forward to it nevertheless!

BestThingsInLifeAreFree - 24 Jun, 2020 - 12:02AM


Yeah...totally familiar tale. I've not engaged in the process. Albeit, I do respect what others feel they need. We are not alone...Just keep rolling and expose every last "Toilet role border" 😁!

tea_coffee_me_ - 23 Jun, 2020 - 11:40PM

- completely agree.

We must have had it, as one of our group has had it very badly and she was in close proximity to all of us for weeks (she did not know she had it at the time, since tested and confirmed) including singing!!
I have lots of health problems, and when ill, REALLY ill, however if we caught it, it was minor. Even though health problems I have REFUSED and unable to hibernate, had to do things as 'normally' as possible. No mask, bad for health, no extra sanitising... still here.

Anyway her husband tested negative, another lady who had it, only ill over night (again tested and confirmed), she was able to go out after 7 days, he a keyworker had to stay in 14!!
Again he was never ill.

So 2 marriages, I am sure kissing etc involved neither husband ill.
Live in fear or not, the choice IS yours.

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BestThingsInLifeAreFree - 23 Jun, 2020 - 10:25PM

If you listen to the media COVID 19 is waiting outside your door like something out of "28 Days Later". I'd imagine if you're in a high risk group, I'd be careful. Nonethless, I'd be far more affraid if it had the mortality rate of the "Spanish Flu". Hope you get what you "need" though πŸ‘

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1367807 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 09:48PM

@Embrassemoi Both πŸ˜‚ I'm pretty low risk health wise (youngish, no health conditions, good lungs etc) would be a very VERY awkward conversation with track and trace if it went wrong though.

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archlaurel - 23 Jun, 2020 - 09:45PM

About time for some casual encounters... been hell stuck at home

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