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Easier to meet?

Is everyone finding it easier to arrange meets now that the restrictions have lifted slightly?

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Comments (169)

1328172 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 09:46AM

I have found it really hard to meet anyone who wfh now as they have no excuse to get out .
Still waiting for "the one"

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1386735 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 09:37AM

Friend and lover

Same as normal re hotel check in

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1395628 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 09:32AM

Good morning all ,
Managed to find big park with a lake , plenty of people around which also had a quaint little tea room situated half way round , not only did we grab a takeaway coffee but enjoyed a walk ( at a safe distance ) also ...

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Fn4usall - 12 Jul, 2020 - 09:32AM

It's always been "safe" (maybe not the correct word to accurately describe it) even during lockdown I managed to book and use a day room at a big
London airport hotel. They assumed keyworker status without too many questions and one government C-19 type questionnaire form. It was just the room though, as understandably no other facilities were open or available. With restrictions on hotels being officially lifted, using hotels with your lover, if you both consider it safe enough that is, shouldn't be a problem.......hotels need the business and the income as much as anyone.

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Friendandlover12 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:28AM

Anyone know whether it is 'safe' to use hotels again with lover?

Do they ask lots of questions???!

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Pete likes wine - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:11AM

Couch to 5k all done started at lockdown - I need something to get and take my mind off things! It has also made me feel fitter!

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Pete likes wine - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:10AM

Totally agree - cant get away I cover the whole UK, although Brighton, Leeds and Manchester most of the time - but based west of London. Cant wait for offices to open, and client offices as well - I need to see real people for work not a video link and also real folks for a drink and more via IE connections

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Cute Amy - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:01AM

Yes much easier, though with not all work force deciding to work from home still causes trouble issues to move around and make excuses

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1332870 - 11 Jul, 2020 - 04:47PM

Kissablelips79 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 01:29PM

The difficulty for me is with working from home finding an excuse to get out. Impossible until the offices start to reopen, which is so frustrating!

Sign up to couch to 5k. Perfect excuse to get out the house

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1376887 - 11 Jul, 2020 - 12:13PM

Many hotels really aren’t bothered, many years ago I was out with an ex, we met another couple at a party. Got chatting. At the end of the night we all went back to their hotel room for a foursome. The receptionist didn’t even look up as we all went upstairs. 😇

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