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Hope & Excitement

The streets come alive yesturday! I live in the countryside and honestly, it's been a ghost town for months. Saturday felt like a celebration. There's hope and excitement in the air :-) It's made me even more eager to find someone on here...

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Comments (20)

509129 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 06:35PM

Didn't quite get that far šŸ˜šŸ˜

longest days stolen nights - 05 Jul, 2020 - 05:16PM

...could always explore those deep recesses of the imagination to keep the pot boiling for later.?...

gemini2310 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 04:43PM

Most place are like a ghost town very tiny where I live blink and you miss it all stay safe this thing is not over not easy to kiss with a face mask and ppi on and not really the weather for a picnic

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1258986 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 01:02PM

Iā€™m certainly not doing anything until this nasty business is over .. better to be safe then sorry šŸ˜

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Dejavous - 05 Jul, 2020 - 12:14PM

There are around 45,000 reasons why you shouldn't get too excited about new found freedoms just yet. 'Take care' has always been the go to phrase for this site and it applies more than ever now.

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1367807 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 11:43AM

@anewstartneeded not unless you go for an incredibly long walk all the way to the southwest šŸ˜†

509129 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 11:02AM

Oh no I am off walking today in the countryside near me . Am I a grockle ??

1117169 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 10:18AM

Be careful where you meet and how you celebrate. Going into a crowded pub full of exuberant liberated people over indulging on alcohol, facing each other with wet mouths and talking loudly or shouting to make themselves heard is guaranteed to put you at very high risk of catching it from a stranger. Apart from the nasty and possibly fatal effects of the virus, try explaining how you caught it to your partner!

An exclusive table in a quiet beer garden or restaurant is probably the best option.

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Only With You - 05 Jul, 2020 - 10:16AM

Haven't been out yet to any places, waiting for the novelty of this weekend to wear off.. thinking weekday lunch date will be fun - any takers ;-)

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1367807 - 05 Jul, 2020 - 09:22AM

Each to their own, I also live in the countryside and having spent much of lockdown getting it on the woods I'm not really looking forward to all of the grockles returning šŸ˜†

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