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Help - my IE is shy!

Finally met my IE after months of online messaging - we have an electric connection and I find him crazy attractive - but I found he is very shy in person…how do I bring him out of his shell? 

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Comments (135)

1664149 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 12:55PM

Just leave him, it might happen naturally, there’s always the possibility of someone getting too confident and cocky and turning into a bit of a knob head.

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ridehardputawaywet - 18 Apr, 2024 - 03:44PM

move on , he is not right of this site

shureman2000 - 18 Apr, 2024 - 09:31AM

Sorry if this sounds really blunt but IE is all about enjoying yourself outside of the day to day complications of a regular relationship. Are you sure you’ve met your perfect IE? He’s doesn’t sound like he’s on the same page as you unless he’s into a D/S type thing.

God that sounded brutal!?

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GrahamFitz - 12 Apr, 2024 - 11:38AM

Oops. Autocorrect changed "specific" to "airforce" and I didn't notice.

GrahamFitz - 12 Apr, 2024 - 10:46AM

Watch some of the YouTube shorts from @thedadvocate. They're all a woman giving advice to women about men, and most of them are pretty accurate to this man. Sometimes they are a bit airforce to the US. She addresses how to approach shy men.

Coverack23 - 11 Apr, 2024 - 04:51PM

Rip his kit off he will soon loose his shyness

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Ja5mine90 - 11 Apr, 2024 - 09:40AM

Maybe he's just shy initially

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1642609 - 11 Apr, 2024 - 09:23AM

You know, sometimes the quiet ones are surprising.

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Bellab50 - 10 Apr, 2024 - 07:30PM

Maybe when his comfortable in your company he will lighten up,

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Dream Lady - 10 Apr, 2024 - 06:54PM

Perhaps it’s because he’s feeling guilty?

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