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Has not being able to meet during lockdown been good to help build a connection first?

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Comments (42)

1393321 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 09:39AM

LLadd, I've only been on IE for about a month so I didn't know what it was like before lockdown on here but in this time I've been on a lot of socially distanced first dates that were walks in parks with no alcohol and, comparing these to dates in the past from mainstream sites, they are so much better. I do feel I'm getting to know people better, especially with the fact that written communication has gone on longer too.

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LLadd - 17 Jul, 2020 - 09:16AM

I think it's been nice to talk for longer and build a friendship first, it's made the anticipation of a meet all the more exciting, we've met now and it feels so natural and like we've known each other for ages.

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