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Working From Home

Alot of us are working at home alongside our spouses, how do you explain your sudden absence? Surely suspicions will be raised ..??!!

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Comments (106)

1390650 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 10:58AM

I managed odd escapes out - shopping for the needy etc .... there are always ways around it

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1366991 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 10:46AM

Although I’m in that situation I can escape for short meets got the perfect excuse to meet up with my boss socially distanced 🤣

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1399434 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 10:23AM

I feel very lucky in that I'm divorced and so live alone. I can't imagine how difficult it might be for some who are not in happy relationships and been locked down.

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1350989 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 09:57AM

I’m quite lucky as I’ve worked all through the lockdown so it’s not really a problem for me

ClassyLady77 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 09:53AM

Only today I’ve Been able to get away.,. My first day to meet and only day for a while.,.

Got to go into office. Finally some Me time. 😉

When I read that people are still meeting lovers regularly still, I think BS..

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Secretaccomplice4u - 29 Jul, 2020 - 09:38AM

Tell them you're going wildlife watching at South Mimms service station.
(for those regular forum readers)

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