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How often should I expect to see my IE?

I'm just wondering how Iwoukd respond if my IE only wants to meet once a
month? I'm hoping it'll be at least once a week, given the constraints of
matching timetables. But , for me, once a month would not be enough.

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Comments (102)

1117169 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 08:45AM

Good luck managing 4 at the same time!

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ExoticOrchid - 28 Aug, 2020 - 06:30PM

Ha1234 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 07:58PM

Actually david4455 said "on the side" so that makes 4 including the IE.

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Ha1234 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 07:58PM


David, shouldn't that be 4 IE.....that is one for each week.....

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david4455 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 07:46PM

You will need 3 not 2 IEs on the side. It might very well work. Go for it!

Mr. Carpet_Muncher - 26 Aug, 2020 - 07:18PM

I have to tell everyone, I love this site especially this Lockdown messaging. One can learn a lot from others in IE. So to that end, speaking as a man who enjoys the pleasures of life, once a month isn't bad but isn't for everyone. Like another reader said, it depends on what you want and a mutual understanding that this is not for keeps. I have a sweetheart who doesn't care if we see each other once a month or once a year but she keeps coming back to me! Why, it also depends on how satisfied you will be from each encounter. Women, if one guy doesn't satisfy you, go for number two and keep moving until you do find the one that makes you see fireworks! Enjoy life ladies. Get the satisfaction you want. One other thing, keep your emotions in check or everything can go to the crapper in a heartbeat. Remind yourself why you are here. If you fall "in love", you're treading in the wrong garden unless you mutually come to that conclusion but ...

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Bella 1234 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 01:55PM

Personally I would expect to see my IE at least once a week , all this texting is a waste of time and torture ... once a month , no chance , I’ll be having 2 IR on the side then

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Secret_fun2020 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 05:31PM

I think it is difficult to set expectations on this. The 'real world' can get in the way. In the end, if you are having a great time with that person and trust each other then that is what counts in the long run

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Aug, 2020 - 01:49PM

Ideally? Every couple of weeks if both diaries can align.
Otherwise, all depends on each couple's availability.

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kamyeast - 22 Aug, 2020 - 04:30PM

It depends. I started seeing my IE once a week but there were times we couldn't see so now we try to see every 1-2 weeks so there's no stress

1400267 - 21 Aug, 2020 - 04:55PM

I can go out weekly too (managed to find hubbies that my husband isn't interested in!)
and luckily my IEs could do once a week too (when they had flexitime at work or good excuses to escape).

If your timings don't match, don't go exclusive with someone that can't meet you so often!

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