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First Message Advice?

What's is the best kind of introductory message to send to women you like on here :-)

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Comments (151)

1403173 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 05:03PM

As with all dating sites the initial message is just a means to get someone to read your profile. No need to make it anything more than just eye catching..after all...if a male sends 50 messages on here many will not even get read and he will only get a reply to perhaps 5 at best no matter how "personalised " it is.
If you are a female then yes..go with the personalised message ( very rare for a female to approach a male )
If you are male the best option is to go with the shotgun approach and send the same nice , chatty message with a touch of humour to lots of "prospects " and wait and see if you get any fish on your hook......

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Gormlessoaf - 17 Aug, 2020 - 03:59PM

Looking at real dating sites, a profile will contain references to real life events. Personal achievements and anecdotal details which are recognisable to those who already know the writer. This is something you can truly engage with.

Why is it so different and reachable? Because the composer did it with a friend, got feedback, worked on it with a completely different requirement.

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1397458 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 03:55PM

Option A - send you Pw to everyone you even vaguely fancy however far away and make sure your pics include at least 1 dick pic
Option B - reach out only to people whose profiles properly appeal to you and with whom logistics might be practical. Tell them honestly why their profile appeals..if you can be funny even better

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Gilbertsourgrape - 17 Aug, 2020 - 02:33PM

I think personalisation is limited. If a profile has a unique character it could easily be recognized. So most seem to be composed to have a realistic quality. But in comparison to others, remarkably similar. Theres only so much language for this kind of situation.

A fellow can try to reciprocate in the character of the profile. He finds things to agree with, he cracks a few quips and is generally polite and personable. But if the profile is attractive, the large part of the message content will be quite similar to others.

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ExoticOrchid - 17 Aug, 2020 - 10:04AM

Buck McFuddy - 17 Aug, 2020 - 08:03AM

Depends on their mood ... they do censor comments.
This might not be printed either, haha.

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Ha1234 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 09:51AM

What is the shotgun approach to messaging.....as far as i know bullets don't go through the Internet yet.

Windsweptandinteresting - 17 Aug, 2020 - 09:26AM

What a great question. So firstly every message I send is personalised. I have tried just short ones to say I liked the profile so wanted to say hello etc. Tried the longer ones highlighting something in the profile and the longer ones with more about me.

Yet to hit the right formula but will try to pick up some tips in these comments 😂

1403173 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 08:03AM

Wrote a comment on here advocating the shotgun approach to messaging ..but it never got published..I wonder if this one will...?? :-)

A Bed of Roses - 16 Aug, 2020 - 11:46PM

A personalised one!

Plum Blonde - 16 Aug, 2020 - 11:45PM

An individual message showing you have read the profile ,polite and grammatically correct .Maybe pick out something that you find appealing about the profile Don't be explicit ,unless it's patently obviously the impression intended by the person is overtly sexual.Dont just say "Hi",but don't write a very !omg message either ..Only message people you are genuinely interested in .

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