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Let one's hair down

Full disclosure: I am genuinely a much happier person to be around since having an affair. I've laughed harder, and been more playful then I have in the last decade. Thanks IE for helping me let my hair down. 
Can anyone relate?

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Comments (158)

Bellab50 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 04:58PM

Yes I can relate to this, missing the connection, now to have found it it’s great,!

Paula99 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 04:17PM

Having an affair doesn’t make you more elated..you still have your work/family stresses …it’s a distraction …a kind of coping mechanism for the rock pathway ahead…
Men/women do this in different ways…certain periods in life dictate this more than ever ..aka menopause/mid life crisis..women go through a bout of mental health when their bodies return what was given in their teens and for the majority it isn’t easy…for men it’s slightly different they decide that that they need sex/intimacy because their bodies are not working like they should do ….but hey are the needs being met in reality…aka distraction?
Having an affair means being emotionally mature and striking a balance so that you can deal with the mental health of general life ….not just to make you happier!
The honeymoon period of excitement and lust in the early stages of your affair soon dies and we get a ‘reality check’..😁

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StrongSensitive - 02 Mar, 2024 - 10:48AM

Thanks for sharing this, it encourages me that I’m on the right lines.

giggly hamster - 02 Mar, 2024 - 09:54AM

I'd just kill for the hair to let down at this moment in time.

But yes, it's relatable, but you'd best keep it under wraps. Trying to hide the post afterglow relaxation grin the following day was never easy. I'd have to force myself to do DIY or some other domestic "don't want to do it" task on the list in order to make me poker faced again.

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boav91 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 09:02AM

Absolutely. Once the insidious frustration was released having met the right ie, I was able to go back to being relaxed and happier in all situations. Finding the right person with the right balance of needs being met for us both meant also for both of us that contentment and happiness pervaded into tower parts of life too

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1395366 - 17 Jul, 2022 - 01:07AM

Yes I can x

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levitgb123 - 21 May, 2022 - 12:01PM

As someone once said to me, all human beings have needs, whether social interaction or intimacy. Not having either can have detrimental affects on your well being. Having an affair has unlocked the happiness within me. Its fun exciting and provides the push to sharpen your presentation!

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1522656 - 21 May, 2022 - 12:32AM

100% it changed my life for better, however sarcastically it can sound but it help me to maintaining positivity .

Pink Eiga - 12 May, 2022 - 06:43PM


Go forth and prosper 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Reece99 - 12 May, 2022 - 05:39PM

I’m new to the site but already feel alive with excitement as to what lays ahead.

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