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Can you remember a most tender moment?

Can you remember a most tender and simple moment between you and your lover?

Someone once said to me that he loved the way my nose crinkled as I smiled. It was so sweet. I cannot forget that moment.
A memory of a tender moment often lives longer than the affair itself.

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Comments (58)

1393321 - 21 Sep, 2020 - 02:26PM

@Autumn Willow

I've found that younger men are so much more forthcoming with their tender expressions, less stiff upper lip than my generation. It's so refreshing. I was once with someone nearly 20 years younger than me, people do double take when you're out walking hand in hand but it feels fun not weird.

Apparently there's a science explanation as to why they find us attractive, their brains are hardwired to because of having older mums.

Your chap sounds lovely, enjoy it.

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Pogosticks87 - 21 Sep, 2020 - 01:53PM

I don't think I would mind so much Maria.. But then I am only 33 so I don't have a huge amount of wrinkles yet XD

Maria Jones - 21 Sep, 2020 - 12:22PM

If any man mentioned my wrinkles or 'crinkles' I'd kick him out of bed never to return.

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Pogosticks87 - 21 Sep, 2020 - 12:14PM

I love those tender moments. I'm all about making that person feel special - it's not like they are getting that feeling at home! I totally agree I think those moments last.

Wish they were more people that liked giving these moments. I think everyone deserves to feel special (well, nearly everyone!)

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Autumn willow - 21 Sep, 2020 - 11:33AM

He isn't my lover yet
Not sure he ever will be as I feel the age difference is a huge problem
He is twenty years younger than me
But he is so tender thoughtful and beautiful
It feels clean and pure when I'm around him
Especially after all the shit stains I've encountered along the way

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DorsetLass89 - 21 Sep, 2020 - 11:28AM

Not sure, but the word “tender” is almost as bad as “moist” 🤢

If you know, you know.

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Curly Wurly - 21 Sep, 2020 - 10:21AM

He is not my lover yet but it’s most definitely heading in that direction.
1st date Friday for a nice relaxing coffee. He messaged me that night asking if I was free yesterday (Sunday) to jump train for a wee day out.
Date 2 spent a lovely day walking along the beach, chatting, first kiss.... then a beer garden relaxing in each other’s company.
Today he sent me a link to a song ‘perfect day’ he forgot to send me it last night.
He may be smooth but I like it.... and if you read this don’t stop being such a nice gentleman 😊

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1322667 - 21 Sep, 2020 - 09:30AM

For me, it was many years ago when my IE at the time told me that she loved the way I made her feel. This was after a couple of months of dating. I think that at the end of the day, this is not about sex or exciting dates or anything extravagant. It's the basic human feeling of how the other person makes us feel. Hearing this from her made me understand that I'm doing something right and am a good IE. :)

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