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If you could have an affair with...

If you could have an affair with anyone dead, alive or fictional, who would it be? ðŸ˜‰
I'd choose Cleopatra... 

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Comments (167)

Ralphg - 04 May, 2021 - 10:57PM

Elizabeth Taylor

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Relaxed Vibes - 02 May, 2021 - 06:14AM

Greg Davies is my guilty pleasure! Far too tall for me but a sense of humour and twinkly eyes are a win for me

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1447655 - 01 May, 2021 - 10:32PM

Alive - Michael Sheen
Dead - A young Sean Connery
Fictional - The Great Gatsby, Robert Redford.
Non-Fictional - Mark Kermode.

Adraug51 - 01 May, 2021 - 11:34AM

@Black widow801
I'll take Elizabeth Taylor ;)

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Black widow801 - 01 May, 2021 - 09:14AM

Richard Burton it was his voice very sexy

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AAGilfan - 29 Apr, 2021 - 01:32PM

Wetnhorny: well you would't have to worry about him getting wood, judging by his acting.....

showmefunxx: was it the pasties that sucked you in?? Or the vegan sausage roll? 😍ðŸĪŠ

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1354244 - 28 Apr, 2021 - 12:44AM

Dead: Old Gregg
Alive: Old Gregg
Fictional: Old Gregg

He's a legend!

wetnhorny - 25 Apr, 2021 - 08:26PM

Roger Moore

Librablonde - 25 Apr, 2021 - 07:37PM

My x ....Mark h

su-rreal - 24 Apr, 2021 - 10:44PM

Most of the men I ever felt attracted to have it seems sadly passed on. For his intelligence Gallileo Gallileo. For charisma Charles Bronson and James Coburn, and also for looks Steve McQueen. I guess most of these are a type. For someone still living Jon Bon Jovi.

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