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Where to go next?

Who has decided to continue seeing their IE with new restrictions? Personally I feel once I have met the right person as long as we are in our own 'bubble' and don't meet others it is completely acceptable. 


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Comments (78)

fightforyou - 21 Oct, 2020 - 05:48PM

I read that there’s a loophole which means that ‘working lunches’ mean that you can meet people indoors, ie in pubs, at home... as long as it’s for ‘work purposes’ then they can’t fine you for meeting up with an IE ;) probs best to keep your laptop handy though!

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achilliesj - 20 Oct, 2020 - 11:29PM

Although I've not yet established a IE as I'm a new member, you pose an interesting point. Might get myself setup of the messenger apps others have listed.

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Keshet - 20 Oct, 2020 - 10:38PM

I miss a heart connection with another. Perhaps it's a good time to cultivate that connection. No rush for anything these days.

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Bagoftricks818 - 20 Oct, 2020 - 10:25PM

Well, I'm not convinced. I doubt I'll be meeting anyone in the next few weeks (maybe months), but I'll definitely make sure I'm in constant contact with them be it through the site, kik, whatsapp, huush etc. Technology has worked wonders for people like us. It's the safest thing to do in my opinion, for now at least.

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Chingching - 20 Oct, 2020 - 09:19PM

Covid does have it restrictions, i wait for the impact of Covids real impact on not just the acute impact but the chronic effects as well.... it will be a few years before a full academic study highlights this impact... the mental health and social impact will be significant. If this site allows for an individual to meet in a safe and mutual manner ... it will offer something that the current situation and guidelines doesn’t .. mutual adults having a choice!

Be safe, be sure, and keep smiling ... there is plenty more folk out there exploiting the rules.. and I mean not just 2 consenting adults .. massive gatherings with complete disregard x

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themoonsaballoon - 20 Oct, 2020 - 04:31PM

Actually it’s not so much the rules that are constraining, assuming these don’t last forever, it’s more the change to lifestyle. Eg No business travel or working away from home. I was kind of curious if people here would be happy to be limited online chat ... has struck me the site is very ‘action’ oriented :-)

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WaitingtobeFound - 20 Oct, 2020 - 02:09PM

I agree that some of the rules are foolish and I am going to continue seeing my ie as part of a support bubble. Helps that I live in a single person household.
Just have to watch out for snitchy neighbours!

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Looking For Romeo - 20 Oct, 2020 - 08:38AM

Great to see someone saying what were all thinking. To top it off, I actually feel like I've made much stronger connections with people than I have precovid

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Kismet - 20 Oct, 2020 - 08:36AM

Yes absolutely. I think a lot of these rules are not even helping and go against a lot of basic human rights and our freedom. I think we need to have a choice and be sensible and practical - that's all. It's impossible to tell people to stop living their lives all together, just adapt. These are different times we have to contend with, but I'm not going to put life completely on pause - who knows how much time we have left on this planet, I sure as hell am not going to waste mine.

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PecanPie - 20 Oct, 2020 - 01:29AM


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