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Ask me out!

I have a massive crush on someone here, but I'm a bit nervous to suggest a date. Been talking for awhile now, non stop! I keep catching myself smiling every time I get a message. I can't work out why he hasn't asked me out yet! What do I do?

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Comments (167)

FluffyClouds - 23 May, 2022 - 04:54PM

Womeninadress -

How do you know he is saying the same to other women? You can't ask other women or chat to them apart from on here.

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Pink Eiga - 23 May, 2022 - 04:50PM

It’s pretty standard practice that people will say anything just to get someone into bed. It does hurt when we know we’ve been played, but I just tend to take it as personal development now and hopefully not fall for the same trick next time 😊

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1523840 - 23 May, 2022 - 04:33PM

Has any of you been getting to know someone and really feel a connection then you find out that the person is chatting to others saying the same

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cedric - 23 May, 2022 - 02:30PM

Ask him out instead

Tastingsogood - 23 May, 2022 - 02:24PM

Be strange up tell him your interested dose he feel the same

levitgb123 - 21 May, 2022 - 10:25PM

Yes agree, just go for it. Nothing ventured nothing gained!

1523789 - 20 May, 2022 - 09:27PM

Ask him, he might be just shy... go ahead!!

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Stargirl1 - 20 May, 2022 - 08:58PM

Ask him...
Why wait, if he says no or is vague move on.

There are some on here who don't want to meet up

1515202 - 20 May, 2022 - 07:11PM

Just like females who dither, men can dither too.
If he’s keen, he’ll respond positively. If he’s not, messages will be few and far between or non committal.

A 30 min coffee isn’t that difficult to do.

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1469423 - 20 May, 2022 - 06:10PM

Isn't it the point to meet up? All the chatting is to see if you have anything in common and weed out possible weirdos. But after 2-3 weeks at most, you should meet each other for a coffee or a drink..we are not here to chat...I hope at least...

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