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Finding an illicit accomplice

Do you ever feel worried about using your actual friends or work colleagues as excuses for being out with your IE? I could really do with a local lady to be my accomplice and be the ‘friend’ that can back up my stories without worrying about being caught out by my tall tales! 

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Comments (51)

MatureWorcsBBW - 15 Apr, 2021 - 05:00PM

My best friend covers for me if necessary.
We've both erm, strayed from the path several times.

Neither one of us could ever blackmail the other as we both know far too much.

Cawhsi - 18 Jan, 2021 - 03:57PM

My best friend covers for me and I cover for her.

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EmnEm123 - 17 Jan, 2021 - 05:09PM

Yes, sure that happened?

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1429227 - 14 Jan, 2021 - 09:28AM

I have found that having an affair with the boss is easiest. Mind you it arose as I stupidly left my pc on when there was a meeting with HR on Covid. They had two small meetings so we could socially distance. Me at the first, my boss at the second. I was late and rushed off and probably didn't lock down my pc. As I later found out, my boss went to log it off and my IE profile popped up. He read my messages and viewed my pictures. He didn't mention anything until we were packing up that night. He was then suggestive and used all the words I had in one particularly steamy message. I looked him in the eye and he grinned. First time for a while that I have had sex over the desk. Intense, amazing. Regular occurrence now.

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1346297 - 13 Jan, 2021 - 05:36PM

Nobody knows I’m on here not even my best friend . My job (when I can work ) allows me to go out and about no questions asked

1360266 - 13 Jan, 2021 - 05:43AM

Would never involve a friend - and certainly not a work colleague

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Nadia747 - 12 Jan, 2021 - 11:34PM

I don't work and as a foreigner I only have 2 friends one live in the same street as me and the other at different location... I see 1 of my friend who lives in a different location because she loves coming to mine, I don't see my friend who we live in the same street. The only thing I do is telling my partner that I have been with one of them. I found myself sending separate photos of me and my friend standing at the same place on different year different months different weather...and is all because he put a tracking device ....so I said look I was with my friend at this place... the picture I sent him was me in the sunshine and my friend in dull weather taken at the same place..... but I have to admit that I am a spoiled Cat and always want to go somewhere 🤨🤨🤨

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Jaykay2982 - 12 Jan, 2021 - 08:53PM

I have a couple of friends who I would definitely trust with if I meet someone on IE.

And they would definitely help me out with an alibi if it wasn't for one problem. Our wives are all good friends!!!


1354244 - 11 Jan, 2021 - 12:14AM

I've never been in a situation where I need to invent work colleagues as excuses for being out!

Modernromeo - 10 Jan, 2021 - 10:05PM

In my line of work my office colleague often go for drinks after office. So the trick for a good alibi is go with them sometime, do not make sudden changes in your routine, rather make your routine in such a way that you can accommodate an affair.
I never invite my office mate to home, this keeps it clean for me.
I will never tell it to any friend just for alibi.

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