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Once lockdown is over...

... what is the first thing you want to do? For me, it's get my hair done πŸ˜‚

Secondly, I cannot wait to go on a normal date, I mean walking around a park with a mulled wine is nice and all, but I crave eating at a table in a nice restaurant. Things we took for granted! I never thought I'd say this, but I even miss wearing heels.

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Comments (62)

1449137 - 21 Apr, 2021 - 01:21AM

Once lockdown is over, stage four of my global domination project will enter an advanced stage.... Just remember not to ask about the three sea shells.

ExoticOrchid - 21 Mar, 2021 - 07:28PM

Have appointment for haircut on 12 April!!! πŸŽ‰ πŸ’‡β€β™€οΈπŸŽ‰

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1427025 - 18 Mar, 2021 - 09:47AM

Having a massage, haircut, pedicure

1437057 - 14 Mar, 2021 - 10:47AM

Seeing family that I haven't seen in overall year then getting on with my life. Lockdown has made me realise what I have been missing and now want in my life

John_Herc - 13 Mar, 2021 - 10:03PM

Yes @Skylark73, definitely with you on the Seaswim. 'Stay local' is advisory, thank goodness, so Ill be in the car and off to the beach as soon as I'm able, on my own and several hundred metres from any sensible minded person in the cold soup of the North Sea, as usual.

Not sure about the general consensus of getting a haircut. Lockdown has opened my eyes to having it long and messy! Probably not a vote winner, but still, be true to yourself they say :-)

Bubbly5216 - 10 Mar, 2021 - 01:19PM

Having my hair done and going to the beauticians. Once I'm not looking like cousin It off to the gym meet friends. Catch up with my IE x

1387615 - 09 Mar, 2021 - 10:32PM

I cant wait to go for a swim in the sea and eat proper fish and chips on the beach.

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yorkshire lass68 - 09 Mar, 2021 - 08:41PM

Hair cut , then meeting up with my IE friend as we haven’t seen each other since last June , we chat every day on the phone xx

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1103595 - 09 Mar, 2021 - 08:35PM

Hair cut, gym, decent meal...... probably Alone, as I cannot master this smart chat on line x

Cinema, theatre, gym again..... I really need to get back to the gym if I have any chance on here x

towncountryandsea - 08 Mar, 2021 - 08:20PM

Friends for supper first

Then an IE in a spa hotel with fresh sheets, bubbles on ice and lots of naked laughter and exploration.

IE yet to be found! X

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