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Hi Everyone!

I had my vaccine 2 weeks ago and I am now considering meeting my IE (he has also had his). Anyone else considering this also?

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Comments (82)

1433297 - 26 Mar, 2021 - 10:37AM

Had my first jab at the beginning of this week.
No drama but my run the next day was a bit more knackering than normal.
Back to normal again the day after.
Think the pharma companies have done an incredible job and the scientists deserve a lot of thanks and respect.
I used to work for AZ many decades ago as a research toxicologist so appreciate the efforts they must have put in to help save everyone’s lives 👍

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ExoticOrchid - 28 Feb, 2021 - 10:49PM

Unbelievable! 🙄

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1386735 - 28 Feb, 2021 - 09:39PM

I see some things don’t change here 🙄

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tea_coffee_me_ - 28 Feb, 2021 - 09:25PM

Rustiqe plaisir -
No one should hate you for having an opinion and I certainly don’t.
I’ll quote someone far more intelligent than I ever can hope to be - “ 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it, “

Bravo, hear hear, this seems to have been thrown out of the window the last few years and makes me SO cross.

MANY years ago a friend was completely anti marriage.
Been with her partner at least a decade.

She was listening to womens hour.
Debating marriage, one pro, one anti.
Being a logical, reasonable person, she listened to both sides, expecting nothing new to be said/heard.

At the end of the programme, she rang the registry office, booked the marriage, rang her partner and told him to take off X day and time as they were getting married.
He said ok, no questions, no debate.

The two of them went off and married.

An example of how regardless of how much you believe you know your subject, you should always listen to those y

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Rustiqe plaisir - 27 Feb, 2021 - 02:32PM

@Your Ultimate Desire
Absolutely not dear lady, she sounds far too young for me and I’m probably too old for her.
We have a saying where I come from, “ the tasties broth comes from an old chicken”😏

ExoticOrchid - 27 Feb, 2021 - 12:05PM

All well and good but nobody has the right to spread unfounded and potentially dangerous rumours!!!

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1386735 - 27 Feb, 2021 - 10:34AM

Rustique plaisir

One senses you are trying to get in someone’s knickers!! 🤡🙄

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turquilmaz - 26 Feb, 2021 - 11:47PM

Happy for you, brilliant

Rustiqe plaisir - 26 Feb, 2021 - 07:05PM

No one should hate you for having an opinion and I certainly don’t.
I’ll quote someone far more intelligent than I ever can hope to be - “ 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it, “
Stay safe xx

YoungmanOldGent - 26 Feb, 2021 - 09:10AM

I sure am x

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