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Hi Everyone!

I had my vaccine 2 weeks ago and I am now considering meeting my IE (he has also had his). Anyone else considering this also?

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Comments (82)

1117169 - 21 Feb, 2021 - 04:10PM

@ Your1secret

The vaccine does not make you immune, as far as we know.

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1360266 - 21 Feb, 2021 - 12:47PM

@Daedalus - spot on, vaccines can take 14-21 days to build by immunity. However advice is still to adhere to social distancing etc as exact levels of immunity with just one or even 2 vaccines is not known yet.
We should know more in the next 6 months or so, however I say, with caution, likely hood is that 2 vaccines will offer the protection that we need from this virus!

ExoticOrchid - 20 Feb, 2021 - 10:17PM

Daedalus - 09:11PM

That's also the medical advice.

1423886 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 09:11PM

A friend of mine suggested you wait 3 weeks before meeting anyone as it takes that long to be effective.

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PalaceMan67 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 08:06PM

I had mine a couple of weeks ago as well, the first one that is!! I think it best to wait until after at least the second one before chancing a meeting, when hopefully the majority of at risk people will have been vaccinated.

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Rustiqe plaisir - 20 Feb, 2021 - 03:44PM

@Sportser and Miss Sarajevo
You both make excellent points which hopefully the more self centred members could take note.

Hopefully this time next year Miss Sarajevo, we can once again travel to Jahorina ski resort 😏

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1421217 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 03:35PM

Isn’t it immaterial whether someone is vaccinated or not at the moment , as the restrictions say no to meeting outside your family / bubble

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995040 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 02:53PM

I have stuck to the rules to protect those most at risk. If here is indicative of the wider population it would seem that those at risk who have jad their jab think its ok to break the rules now that they are more protected. I am in theory at lower risk but have been locked down, unable to meet my IE. in order to protect tjose who now seem to have the stance 'I'm allright Jack!' Stay at home. Another few weeks wont matter

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1117169 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 02:05PM

Having the vaccine does not make you immune and prevent you being infected or indeed if you have it, passing it on to someone else, it just means if you do get it the effect on you should be very mild.

Think about this when you are comtemplating an intimate tryst.

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Rustiqe plaisir - 20 Feb, 2021 - 12:23PM

@Classy Lady

Carry on protesting, in fact, I’ll join you, but only once Lockdown is over. Until then, it’s a no no for me.

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