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How to suppress the excitement?

I've met someone and we're a great match. We've been sneaking off to see each other and getting a buzz from the adrenaline. My question is, how do you suppress the excitement when you're at home? I get butterflies just from a text message and I'm walking around like a grinning idiot half the time. How do you tone down the glow up?

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Comments (117)

Hosam hosam - 11 Apr, 2024 - 08:48AM


steelbrace - 21 Oct, 2022 - 12:02PM

I met someone on a similar site 13 years ago, she was/is 10 years younger than me. Me longterm married she divorced. We agreed from the outset that it was understood that I was not wanting to leave my marital situation. However we clicked and provided eachother with 13years of friendship, comfort, support, happy adventures, truly magical sexual pleasure and in our own way love for eachother. Downside ... my lovely lady has now reached the age where she needs to find 'the one'. She wishes it could be me but knows it can't be, so recently we took the heart breaking decision to go our separate ways. I miss her every second of everyday but wish her love and happiness going forward. All good things come to an end as they say. With careful planning and common sense and a regard for other people's feelings a long term affair is possible. The sting is when it has to come to an end and you end up with a big hole in your life. Until you get the strength to get back out there again, as I am attempting to do now.

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Surfer1 - 04 Aug, 2022 - 08:13PM

Good on you! Life's for living enjoy the moments.

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Surfer1 - 04 Aug, 2022 - 08:09PM

Good on you! Life's for living enjoy the moments.

EmnEm123 - 04 Aug, 2022 - 06:20PM


As I am not the only woman that you have described as weird or humourless, I don't take offence to that.

If I were the only woman you had described as weird and humourless, I still wouldn't take offence to that.

You have never had a positive response to any of your posts, I doubt you care, neither does the site, keep spending your money.

I will contact NICE to apply for a medical license,.

Dayveed - 03 Aug, 2022 - 12:22AM

Emnem123, I didn’t even realise I’d replied with the word laxative, to your nice comment. I can honestly say that If I were in need of a similar medicinal solution , your profile would serve just as well.

You are without doubt a weird, tense and a pretty humourless individual. Nevertheless I hope you find you what you seek - and god help the poor bastard!

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Paula99 - 25 Jul, 2022 - 04:39PM


I have images of electricity pilons ....how does that work?...🤣

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Dayveed - 25 Jul, 2022 - 03:34PM

Although I’d would never wish you not to enjoy these feelings, butterflies in your stomach is part of your primitive brain’s fight or flight system… I won’t tell you exactly what is going on, but if you take several deep breaths, hold them for a count of two and exhale slowly, you will switch of that part of the brain… it takes practice.

Alternatively have a picture of something that rocks your boat on your phone, shoes, handbags, golf clubs whatever and just go ‘oooh I love that/these’ … you’re welcome :)

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1534972 - 24 Jul, 2022 - 02:06PM

You practice a stoic face. It takes a lot of practice.
Beyond that, you ensure your messaging apps are password protected and secured away from peering eyes. You don’t leave your mobile out of your sight at any moment but also don’t massively act suspicious around where your mobile is. Most importantly, you don’t change your behaviour drastically or you will be caught out.

For me, I pretend I’m reading boring business emails, team chats, etc and once in a while I’ll mention something that irk related when I’m sat next to my partner messaging my affair partner and to date, five years, I’ve not been caught out.

1500707 - 24 Jul, 2022 - 12:38PM

Enjoy the feeling and know you've now bought that joy and will spread it to all around you.... this is how the affair can be a benefit to the home rather than a detriment..... as long as the boundaries are in place and you stay safe

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