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How to suppress the excitement?

I've met someone and we're a great match. We've been sneaking off to see each other and getting a buzz from the adrenaline. My question is, how do you suppress the excitement when you're at home? I get butterflies just from a text message and I'm walking around like a grinning idiot half the time. How do you tone down the glow up?

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Comments (117)

SPEEDMASTER - 29 Jun, 2022 - 12:08PM

Be cool and put your acting face on and enjoy your texts.

Ski1066 - 29 Jun, 2022 - 11:01AM

When you get the txt just think of your partners worst habit that'll take the grin of your face but hopefully leave the inner glow in tact

1530881 - 26 Jun, 2022 - 04:36PM

It’s so important to keep things discreet. So I would suggest having clear rules related to contact time . Best to be safe and not hurt anyone

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1530339 - 24 Jun, 2022 - 03:42PM

Enjoy it behind a frown

Pink Eiga - 15 Jun, 2022 - 09:29PM

Definitely hold it all in and continue acting like a right sour puss at home.

Spouse would never know the difference and you can continue the affair for as long as it lasts 😜

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Nitram1935 - 15 Jun, 2022 - 05:42PM

Make the most of and enjoy the ride wherever it takes you

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Nitram1935 - 15 Jun, 2022 - 11:05AM

Just enjoy every second of it, allow yourself to wallow in the sensations

Papillionbleu - 14 Jun, 2022 - 11:47PM

Don't suppress it. Bask in its glory. It might be short lived. Lap it up.

1103340 - 14 Jun, 2022 - 10:49PM

Try slamming your hand it the cutlery drawer!

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Pleasurepole - 14 Jun, 2022 - 04:55PM

Remember why your here and how you felt before you met your IE. That might take the smile off your face. Nice to see someone finding their perfect match. Have FUN

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