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Do you think a single like me should be on IE?

I have lived on my own for 10 years and know I'm not cut out for Living Together/Marriage at my age. I know my space and don't want to drive someone crazy. I still want to meet up with someone who is seeking connection, including exclusivity to the right person. Am I the only one like this?

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Comments (115)

1449716 - 27 May, 2021 - 10:23AM

This has been done to death , all it does is cause arguments, live and let live x

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1447499 - 27 May, 2021 - 09:44AM

Having read a few of the comments from others on different subjects within this forum, i notice there are quite a few here that are in a similar position and use this as a means to avoid the often 'sticky' subject of embarking on a 'full time relationship' when all they really want is something similar to what a married person is looking for here.
To that end, I have no problem with this but admittedly I tend to favour those in similar circumstances to me as I 'believe' it will promote us both to sing from the same song sheet.
If that can be achieved with someone who is divorced/seperated/widowed then brilliant!!

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241014 - 27 May, 2021 - 09:40AM

I don’t see why a single cannot be here as long as they recognise that most here are married and aren’t going to be leaving their lives any time soon.
Might make for an interesting dynamic but c’est la vie

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1117169 - 27 May, 2021 - 09:26AM

This question has been posed many times before and tends to polarise opinion and be quite divisive.

Everybody on here has their own unique circumstances , reasons for being on here and idea of what they are looking for and that should be respected, but bearing in mind that this site is intended primarily for married or attached people looking to discreetly connect with other people in similar circumstances, most people would probably say that you should really be on a singles site. There is no reason why you would not find someone with the same intentions as you on a singles site.

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Streetsk - 27 May, 2021 - 09:13AM

No way are you I think loads are in the same boat

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