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You're Great!

Post first date ….
If the guy messages you and says several times “you’re great” - what does that mean?! I mean is quite a generic word

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Comments (94)

1408586 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 08:27PM


I’m chuckling imagining someone texting me ‘you’re great’ and I reply ‘in what ways am I great’ 😂

I don’t think it’s possible to reply to it really. I would just wait and see if he messaged something else in that situation.

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1622864 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 08:17PM

I think he’s pretty happy with you but seems unable to articulate the specifics of what it is that he really likes. Perhaps the blood hasn’t returned to the brain yet.

Ricky67999 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 07:49PM

If unsure I’d just ask in what way he thought you were great. Sounds like he’s trying to give you a compliment but maybe not that good at detail. If you ask him to embellish his comment he’ll either run a mile as he doesn’t understand English or provide you with some feedback. Or he might answer the question he thinks you’ve asked but not the real one, in which case he has confirmed your initial doubts…clueless !!!

1408586 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 05:51PM

It’s generic to me in that it gives no clue whether it’s a brush off or he’d want to see me again. Surely that is what the post first meet message needs to convey 😂

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1326897 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 05:41PM

Great is not a generic word btw

1326897 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 05:38PM

Well he could say your average great doesn’t seem to be an ambiguous word to me. Start worrying when he says Great, but

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1632151 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 04:13PM

I always start my messages with 'Shall we just take the plunge and have ANOTHER affair together? We had so much fun last time - let's just take the plunge and do it all over again.'

There's usually a bit of a delay and then the woman invariably replies. 'Is that you STEVE?'

Then I'm away and it's all happening. By the time she realises I'm not Steve, she usually doesn't care. I've only ever had to dress up like Steve ONCE.

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1621959 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 02:21PM

I think you are reading way too much into the written word. It quite often taken the wrong way and unless you are a published author, the written word can often not land as you might expect. Even author's re read and have a proof reader. The spoken word is much better because you get the body language too. My advice is get out for a coffee meet if you are really serious

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marklondonengland - 31 Oct, 2023 - 11:58AM

Just be grateful they know how to use apostrophes... A good thing to do would be to ask what in particular they liked just to see if they give another generic answer. It might just be an immediate response that they can elaborate on - or they are just saying it to everyone...

ExoticOrchid - 30 Oct, 2023 - 03:51PM

achilliesj - 12:28AM

You need to re-read the topic ... from the top!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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