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S&M - seems to crop up on so many profiles. Is 50 shades still to blame, isn't that a bit passe? Is it really so prolific or do people think its what other people want?

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Comments (90)

1529050 - 30 Mar, 2023 - 05:07PM

I 💯 love a dominant man ..

But I’m not a total submissive ..

Talk … decide what you both want

Countess J - 30 Mar, 2023 - 04:51PM

I've seen more than enough references to Fifty Shades of Grey. This film is a horrible depiction of what this lifestyle truly entails. It gave credence to so many confused men who think domination means rough sex or chaining up a woman to use as a sex slave. Unlike men who use their penis to dominate We Women use our brains, well the smart and informed ones do. I've been living this lifestyle for 15 years and I've seen and heard it all. There are so many other examples in film that depict the true essence of the D/s dynamic.

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Countess J - 30 Mar, 2023 - 04:41PM

My profile is crystal clear as to the type of man I am attracted to. Of course most bypass the text and only focus on the pretty photos. I'm then tasked with the job of explaining what they should have taken the time to read for themselves. With that being said if one does read my profile and still contacts me then I will gather that they seek what I'm offering. I just wish the mainstream public would not confuse submission with weakness. Submission is not a character flaw and should not be treated as such.

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Pink Eiga - 20 Mar, 2023 - 03:06PM

TheLord - 20 Mar, 2023 - 02:47PM

If I may, the ‘Dominant’ could be a He, as well as a Her 😏

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1542095 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 02:47PM

Not only on this site but many others, there are wannabes alleging to be dominants or submissives - fifty shade of grey is possibly partly to blame for the spiralling interest but the sub/domworld does exist and for those getting involved it can be very satisfying and many - once initiated come to understand the intensity and level of commitment and trust required.

Its not just about ropes and canes but can be a very loving and enjoyable experience both for the dominant to have the control - using his imagination and expertise to find ways to enjoy , pleasure and indeed love his submissive and for the submissive - often it is a the acceptance of giving up that control of wondering what the dominant will bring to the relationship next.

Its not for everyone but that is life.

1444888 - 20 Mar, 2022 - 05:17PM

There are a lot of pretenders out there

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Looking4my50shades - 20 Mar, 2022 - 04:56PM

What about thos women who do love to be submissive, it doesn't mean I'm a doormat I just know what i like and what turns me on.

I love the feel of restraints on my wrists and ankles surely if I'm happy for that type of relationship and the trust has been earnt by my partner then what is the harm.

I was in a Dom/Sub relationship for over 12 years when it ended I honestly felt lost so I know what I like and am looking for thar again.

It isn't everyone's cup of tea but for those I have spoken to once they 'dipped their toe in' they want to know / try more.

Each to their own believe me mine was way before 50 shades and yes my username is based on the films but at least a potential partner knows what I'm looking for.

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1394019 - 11 Mar, 2022 - 11:03AM

Kinks and sexual preferences are all part of life and I for one spent far too long in a vanilla setting being made to feel guilty for expressing a desire to be sexually dominant. Here I am free to express my desire and to date, no one has made me feel as dirty or messed up as my ex husband did. I’m open about being a female who enjoys sex, is confident in herself and adores having a male she’s attracted to pleasure her. I also enjoy vanilla… but in moderation. I’m not wrong. Life is too short for second rate sex so I won’t put up
With it.

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1481371 - 19 Feb, 2022 - 04:10PM

If you know, you know, There is a big difference and a wide range of preferences. Most people confuse S&M with role play or games. S&M is a lifestyle choice for some ( Not me) but at it's worst can be connected with grooming IMHO. While I like woman to be submissive, I wouldn't want a doormat. Nor do I like cruelty, but I can understand that sensations when do well can add a frisson of excitement. It comes to trust and understanding, what ever any of us things personally, it is uo to the individuals involved, and they should be allowed to be who they are/want to be and respected.

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1459408 - 19 Feb, 2022 - 12:11PM

Old Sapper-09,Dec,2021-07:44PM

Thank you…. it’s so good that your mind is so much more imaginative than a film

and yes I’m quite partial to a bit of muck spreading
things tend to come up smelling of Roses!!!!

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