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Do we?

Do we get fussier with age? I personally think I've been more open minded the older I've gotten but my friend disagrees.

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Comments (147)

1664149 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 02:08PM

Isn’t it half your age plus seven as a way of working out and acceptable difference now.

1664149 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 01:56PM

‘Baby snatching’ was if she was still in school and you weren’t.

Boomer1514 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 01:30PM

When I was a teenager, dating a girl.who was more than 2 years younger than you was deemed "baby snatching". As time moves on the age gap increases. Met.my wife when I was 31 and she is 5 years younger than me.
As I've got older I am not fussy at all in terms of age etc etc.
You are not looking for a partner now but someone who is looking for the same thing as yourself.
For me the "fussiness" comes when you start to chat at which time the connection is either found or not.
I'd like to hope that most ladies on here within the age limits I have set share the same thoughts but that is still to be proven but I'm still hopefully.

1593213 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 01:28PM

I think I'm much more open minded as I've got older but not sure I've ever been fussy. By that I mean I've always been willing to get to know somebody as you can sometimes 'click' with the most unlikely people. Personality is key. For the record I've had 3 affairs over a 24 year period, all 3 long term, all 3 fantastic times while they lasted

Noir Ce Soir - 23 Apr, 2024 - 12:55PM

I went on the ferry to the Isle of Wight and it was really fun as was watching the sailing when I got across the water.

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MagicMouse321 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 11:43AM

As I have matured I am more open in terms of types, more direct in what I want, more guiding and encouraging for my partner, more experimental, more confident generally, and finally more outrageously horny (and more spontaneous with it.)

I will not settle for a boring Victorian Sunday missionary lifestyle that's about as much fun as the ferry to the Isle of White. To the garden with a picnic rug!

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RachelJCups87 - 23 Apr, 2024 - 11:07AM

2 answers to this. In terms of people Im a lot more fussy these days!
In terms of what I like doing, I'm way more open minded!!! x

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Jaroflaughs - 23 Apr, 2024 - 09:09AM

Love the directness and straight to the point. No point sitting on the fence.

R Deckard - 08 Apr, 2024 - 02:00PM

A little vocabulary may help.
* your own mating value = 6; your target IE's mating value = 6 --> your definition is: realist
* own mating value = 6; target IE's mating value = 7 --> striving
* own mating value = 6; target IE's mating value = 8 --> fussy
* own mating value = 6; target IE's mating value = 9 / 10 --> delusional
* own mating value = 6; target IE's mating value = 4-5 --> indiscriminate
* own mating value = 6; target IE's mating value = 1-3 --> desperate

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CaptureMe - 08 Apr, 2024 - 08:53AM

Absolutely....what's wrong with being selective?
Don't you value yourself and who you are?
Being fussy is key to finding the person that will spend the precious time with even more precious...
Who has time to waste ?

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