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Do we?

Do we get fussier with age? I personally think I've been more open minded the older I've gotten but my friend disagrees.

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Comments (147)

Paula99 - 25 Jan, 2024 - 11:37AM

I am open minded about everything and it’s down to what I do for a living but it doesn’t mean I like it …
Fussy might be a word for it ..stuck in your ways..is another..we also mellow as we get older and we learn to appreciate simple things ( like men😂)….we have experienced love … loss ..rejection..happiness but we don’t like change …as far as the opposite sex goes maybe their shoes are awful ..but we prefer their characteristic’s /or personality …
We are not teenagers and we are emotionally balanced so we know there will be tough times …maybe Fussy isn’t so bad after all 😁

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LadyDe - 25 Jan, 2024 - 10:29AM

Now what an interesting question …
When I was dating back in the day, yep i probably passed men by or silly things that gave me the “Ick” anything really, trousers that had argued with the man’s ankles, shirts that buttons were put under Schwarzenegger pressure when sat down, loud eaters (no sorry that still gives me the ick) ….
Anyway I’m way less fussy now, but that’s because as I’ve got older I’ve more of an appreciation instead, firstly age is a luxury and all the experiences and knowledge we’ve gathered over the yrs, wether that be honing our sexual skills to our personality, I embrace all growth. If the mental connection is there and you both give each other a feeling of want/desire/fun/banter/laughter/escapisim etc etc then I’m happy ( clearly Quasimodo would be a stretch) I would never pass someone up just on looks, I also think we all know that some good looking candy can also give us the “ick”

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1639246 - 25 Jan, 2024 - 09:39AM

I’m looking for something different than I was when regular dating. I’m specifically looking for someone who’s happy to open up, talk to, share what we are going through as 40/50 somethings and what it all means.

Someone to add perspective to life, but without the requirement to move in together!

For that reason I like meeting people from any walk of life and am a little less fussy.

Of course there still needs to be chemistry….but I’ve given up trying to analyse what that actually means.

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1504437 - 15 Aug, 2022 - 05:52PM

I am indeed more open minded. But I also know what I want and I’m not prepared to mess about or waste mine or someone else’s time if I really dont think things will work?

Andyoxf - 13 Oct, 2021 - 10:40PM

I'm certainly less willing to tolerate a poor relationship. But that said, I'm happy to jump into a new one.
When younger I was much more cautious before starting a relationship and the result was ending up in one which didn't work.

1473584 - 08 Oct, 2021 - 05:58PM

Impatience is a big issue

1479729 - 08 Oct, 2021 - 10:06AM

The problem with 'digital dating' as I see it is that it is all 'assbackwards?'
Trying to marry an abstract set of parameters to what is basically a primitive function. Normally we see first, then maybe hear and observe whether at work or in a pub or a beach. Analysing and quantifying that is utterly futile. Especially as self reporting is at best suspect.
Conversely I do put more faith in an original and creative profile. Read between the lines. Engaging in that way vastly improves or reduces the chances of being disappointed at the eventual reveal.
Whatever the age we still want to feel that slight frisson that makes you curious?

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Purple dreamer - 08 Oct, 2021 - 09:53AM

I think as we get older we consider things that as youngsters we may have not , having had some life experiences believe we are willing to try new things as we now know the saying life's to short to be true

Peaches1 - 08 Oct, 2021 - 09:31AM

good.things - 06 Oct, 2021 - 10:35AM

"In reality, most people don't care about this. It's all about chemistry and connection. We don't see someone in a bar or the office and ask them to pull up their shirt to reveal their abs, measure their height and hand them an IQ test."

Nor do we expect them to show us their body parts, so come on men keep your tickle tackle pictures to yourself 🙄😂😂

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1453959 - 06 Oct, 2021 - 10:35AM

The problem with platforms like IE is they promote fussiness. We're prompted to classify our skin colour, body size and height. We're asked to fill out a questionnaire on the kind of person we want to meet.

It's impossible not to become picky in that context, however open-minded we think we are. We idealise the person we want and translate that into a checklist.

It's no surprise so many women trot out "tall, dark, handsome, good-looking, intelligent funny, kind, decent physique". Of course. Noone would write "short, fat, dodgy looks, a bit slow on the uptake, sort of a bastard".

In reality, most people don't care about this. It's all about chemistry and connection. We don't see someone in a bar or the office and ask them to pull up their shirt to reveal their abs, measure their height and hand them an IQ test.

Sure, some people will care about skin colour, height, physique, etc. They are shallow idiots. The rest of us are victims of our own idealism and should try to overcome that.

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