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Now it's the holiday season...

...how do affairs work at this time? Anyone struggle when their I.E is on holiday? Is it considered bad form to contact them when away with their other half? And how do you stop looking for attention elsewhere if its removed at this time?!

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Comments (26)

1393321 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 11:23AM


I suspect that the OP is concerned that their IE made be on holiday with their family and fall back in love with their spouse, so it could be an insecure time for the one left behind. Holidays do strange things to people's priorities, I think!

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1393321 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 10:07AM


I suspect the bigger concern for the OP is if the IE goes on holiday and falls back in love with their spouse, and therefore no longer wants an affair.

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1458849 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 09:55AM

Holidays 2 weeks usually , if you can’t go this amount of time without attention , I think you’ve got problems and sounds a bit scary

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1393321 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 09:47AM

Spouses who have affairs are still the same people when they go on holiday with their families. If he's texting you daily when at home, he can still text you whilst on holiday...think a comment from another thread about contact frequency in between meets said that anyone can send a check in message from the toilet!

But truth and logic is right that you must have discussed holiday contact before your IE went away. If you didnt, was it a very new arrangement? Are you feeling insecure in this affair?

It's very important to decide what YOUR NEEDS are before you start an affair with an IE. If someone isnt meeting them for you, you can meet them yourself, look to someone else to meet them or put up with it until they are back from holiday. I suggest meeting them yourself now, and discussing with them contact boundaries when they return.

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truth and logic - 13 Aug, 2021 - 09:25AM

If he contacts you contact him its not difficult, if you have been seeing each other you must have some ground rules about such things why did you not say about holiday contact when they went.? Only logical surely? As to attention surely you go more then 2 weeks between meets at least sometimes? If your IE is want you want why look elsewhere?MAKING PROBLEMS WHERE THERE ARE NONE i feel.

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truth and logic - 13 Aug, 2021 - 09:15AM

If he contacts you contact him its not hard. IF you have been seeing each you must have some ground rules about that sort of thing? Maybe say how the land lies before you go on holiday, logic people .As too attention elsewhere if you need that your IE is not given you want you want, so sure look around if you really can not wait a couple of weeks ,but surely you go longer than that between meets at times? Problems where three are not any me thinks.

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