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Does it become easier?

For those who have been on IE for some time, I'm interested to hear how your approach to affairs and finding a suitable partner may have changed with experience compared to when you first started. Does it become easier to know what you're looking for and to manage an affair successfully over time or is each one different? What did you learn along the way

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Comments (90)

ExoticOrchid - 31 Aug, 2021 - 04:16PM

Pa55 - 03:34PM

Not always ... I know for a fact some, well a few anyway, are pukka posts!

1460169 - 31 Aug, 2021 - 03:34PM

Your not suggesting IE make up these posts 🤣🤣

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1117169 - 31 Aug, 2021 - 01:28PM


Yes, another invented post to keep the pot boiling

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Chezley - 30 Aug, 2021 - 05:13PM

There is seemingly little or no anecdotal and/or historical evidence to fulfill the question of this topic.

Which is probably because little or nothing has actually occurred........

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260778 - 28 Aug, 2021 - 12:53PM

Best not have a tick box . Manypeople dont want to meet up, this was before locdown , It can be frustrating , however if you keep going eventually it works. I have had a couple of good encounters , however long term has elluded me .

MangeTu - 28 Aug, 2021 - 08:45AM

If by suitable partner, you mean somebody who you like and are attracted to, enough to have a physical relationship with, by talking to them.

Have a search of your local area first but equally, have a radius, which often encompasses more than one county. You probably don't want to meet somebody for liaisons, close to where either of you live, in case you're recognised.

If you have flexibility, then even 100 miles apart isn't too onerous, less than an hour's travel each for a midway meeting point, safe from bumping into somebody who might know you.

But above all, there has to be a mutual attraction and that comes with an initial conversation and chat (and usually looking at photos to see if you fancy each other)
After that, nature takes its course.

Peaches1 - 28 Aug, 2021 - 08:23AM

Think in the early days I was nieave to believe that it would be easy to find someone.....wrong! 2.5 years later and I'm still looking for the one. At first I say I had about 5 tick boxes and after experiencing the joys of this site I have about 100. I used to have a massive list of wants and don't wants in my profile which probably made me look fussy when in all honesty I'm actually not. In fairness my main priorities are.....needs to be fun, long term and have the actual time and excuses to actuality meet. This site has fallen to alot of fantasists over the past 12 month, probably bored due to lockdown.

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outinthesticks - 28 Aug, 2021 - 07:23AM

To know what you’re looking for, for me anyway comes naturally. After all the majority of us are here for the same reasons,. For me, I’m in a great long term relationship which has progressed to what I would describe as living with a best friend… but alas, that spark has gone. I crave those feelings you have at the beginning of a relationship when you’re intoxicated by each other. Getting excited knowing there’s likely a message waiting for you… someone who lights up when they hear from you. I guess the other thing to establish is what it is are you actually looking for. For me, Iits quality over quantity. I’m much happier building a connection with just the one here

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1413266 - 27 Aug, 2021 - 12:25PM

I totally agree. You have said everything i had wanted to.

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1460169 - 27 Aug, 2021 - 10:48AM

I've had one IE before. And have hopefully found my next one.
I am not comparing the person I was with previously to this one and my expectation are flexible.
People who have a fixed mindset of the perfect person will struggle to find someone in my eyes. I'm certainly not perfect. Even if my mum says i am :)
The one thing I'm after is connection. How we banter and chat. having a laugh. Generating that lust. With out that, sex isn't as exciting.
And learn peoples routines and habits and work with it. for example, they can't chat at weekends and evenings.

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