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More attentive?

I get that feeling of freedom of doing something in secret and knowing that those around me couldn't believe I could do something like having an affair. The draw of that sensation of the knot in your stomach caused by the butterflies causing havoc and the knees wobbling is hard to resist. 

I feel because of this I am a little more attentive to those around me... Can anyone relate?

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Comments (102)

J1on1d - 29 Jan, 2023 - 06:58PM

Forum is free - you don’t need to pay to join in.

Cheesypuff - 29 Jan, 2023 - 06:31PM

Are you still able to post on the forum once your subscription runs out?

The Orangery - 29 Jan, 2023 - 05:18PM

Hi Paula99,
If only what you said about coming home, working and sleeping were true for me! I’ve done my fair share of after school club transport, trips to friends houses, late night collections from miles away. Absolutely not complaining just adding balance.

laugar164 - 29 Jan, 2023 - 05:02PM

Paula 99
I must be the exception I cook help with cleaning the house drive the girls. To after clubs when they were young
I have all ways did the lions share when the girls was young
I'm convincing myself I'm a great catch 😂

Paula99 - 29 Jan, 2023 - 04:32PM

The Orangery…

Being attentive works both ways … you guys are at work.. go to the gym .. come home … eat dinner .. more work at home …then fall asleep … we women get home .. pick the kids up .. lunches for the next day.. homework ….after school clubs/friends houses… put them to bed … then we sit down which equates to 8 pm at night .. zero conversation .. and you wonder why there is no attention ?

Family life does this to you and I am guilty as charged but there are more guys than women are chasing the intimacy/affection/sex because general life created this situation …but women are more laid back about it ..
Lack of sex/intimacy makes you frustrated which in turn causes stress and unhappiness..

We choose to have a family life and this is the result …but this generation didn’t invent it it’s been going on forever ..it’s just now we are conditioned to not accept anything that gives us the ‘ick’ because we are entitled to have our cake and eat it ..😊

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Paula99 - 29 Jan, 2023 - 01:05PM

I think the people that seem to ‘get a way ’ with this are the ones that have a massive personality…charismatic …silver tongued…articulate..and generally expressive in everything that they do ..because this is something that is inbuilt… but there are some that are reserved and shy that have the ability to ‘carry it off’ in another way…
Certain people find it difficult to lie as it’s ‘written over their faces’ but some tell so many lies their lives are fantasies
For those of us who crave the feeling that we are ‘keeping secrets’ be careful what you wish for 😉

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Enigma.. - 29 Jan, 2023 - 10:15AM

Most people at that time in the morning (8.30am) are usually driving to work, doing the school run or sitting in a coffee shop/cafe, usually with a coffee, wondering why/how they are going to get through the day lol.
Ps… I don’t do any of the above lol 😘

The Orangery - 29 Jan, 2023 - 09:34AM

Yes being attentive is good. I think attentiveness is essential

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1577436 - 29 Jan, 2023 - 09:07AM

I agree all of social circle would be flabbergasted to learn I had embarked on this type of journey! But the butterflies that fly in anticipation of a rendezvous is something else It’s the frisson of sitting opposite a lovely lady and knowing OMG this is going to work, we’re chatting easily and laughing and making nice eye contact! Wondering who is going to make the first move.

1489085 - 24 Dec, 2021 - 11:44AM

Yes I have been a lot more attentive - to my spouse! Apart from the lack of physical intimacy, she's a genuine good person and I have appreciated her even more every time my IE turned out to be anything but. Is it just me?

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