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Would Using Lube Make You Feel Inadequate?

Do you take lube on your hotel meets? When women get to a certain age, they sometimes need a bit of help in the lubrication department due to hormones and the menopause. Have you used lube? Do you expect lube? Would you, as a man, be offended if lube was used?

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Comments (124)

Suited 21 - 20 Apr, 2024 - 09:44PM

Nah saliva is better

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JuanPaulo - 20 Apr, 2024 - 09:13PM

Seems like a no brainer to me: everybody wants their partner to feel the best they can. So if lube helps, then lube it is.
As a man, I would not proactively bring lube, unless we've discussed about it. You ladies know better if you might need some, if you prefer with or if you hope for bum play. Hell no I would not be offended if a lady came prepared for both of us to enjoy!

NinaOakley - 20 Apr, 2024 - 08:14PM

Worth mentioning the use of lube could make women feel inadequate, dry, shrivelled crones too. A new lover of either sex is going to need kindness and reassurance.

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Toffee.macchiato4 - 20 Apr, 2024 - 04:55PM

This question made me laugh 😆 I enjoyed everyone’s responses on this
My two pennies worth
Two adult seeking mutual pleasure with both parties consenting. Off course lube, toys and whatever else they deem appropriate.
Presumably they’ve talked about what they both want to do with eachother.
So hey 👋 ho crack on I say 👍

merchant12 - 20 Apr, 2024 - 03:43PM

How about get to know the person first? Chat about it possibly in a light hearted way?

1331250 - 20 Apr, 2024 - 02:08PM

Lube? No. Good gracious, have fun and don’t worry about it :)
Flicking a tongue on certain bits often helps though 😉

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Eddie… - 20 Apr, 2024 - 11:26AM

Before lube there was Vaseline. In the case of one man I know of he brought a flask of hot water to help soften the Vaseline. She thought it was strange but after that there wasn’t any resistance 😁

1659756 - 20 Apr, 2024 - 10:53AM

Lube in most cases is beneficial, i suspect without it certain acts might be uncomfortable for the other party.

Would i be offended? Let me give you a mans perspective... if i can easily slide in to certain areas with little to no resistance then either i am tiny or she is huge... luckily for me i have always needed lube to help with certain acts. So ironically it can be a little flattering so dont stress about these little things.

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1642609 - 20 Apr, 2024 - 08:51AM

"Would you, as a man, be offended if lube was used?" No

"Would you, as a woman, be offended if a blue pill was used?"

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Paula99 - 26 Mar, 2022 - 06:20PM


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