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Can attraction not just be physical?

I met a wonderful lady recently. We had been chatting for some time, and finally met up. The connection is definitely there. Things have now progressed to the bedroom. Alas physically I am disappointed. Without going into too much detail, it seems that quite a bit of padding support has been used. I really prefer a ‘good handful’. Much as I really like her, my physical desires for what constitutes a woman are not met. I feel I have been lied to, but do not want to hurt her feelings. How do I let her down gently, or do I stay, as she is very keen and I do love her personality?

Thank you for posting this. I genuinely am in a dilemma!

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Comments (200)

1502482 - 22 Mar, 2022 - 01:13PM

Short answer: Dump her and move on.

Long answer: Men are, by their nature, visual beasts. It's going to be super challenging to get it up and keep it up of you are *so* focused on that lack. Women pad and that the nature of the beast. We know men are visual creatures so we do what we need to in order to attract but if she's just not your actual physical type so be gentle, be understanding that if she's padding she's also probably quite sensitive about it, and be kind.
When you gaze at her naked on the bed it's going to be hard to maintain an erection if she's not doing it for you and that's going to be a difficulty for *both* of you.
Lie if you have to - say your wife is suspicious, say you got caught, say anything to make her feel like it's not her fault. Change your account and the way you write your bio and try again.
But also - "what constitutes a woman"?!?! - that is some bullshit language (from a 36HH). Honestly that is the worst thing I have ever seen here - and I've seen micropenis dick pics.

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ExoticOrchid - 22 Mar, 2022 - 01:07PM

Haha this is just someone's male "revenge take" on that "Advice please gents" post ... 🙄

I have read many male profiles where their preferred bosom size has been clearly stated ... simples.

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Doricles - 22 Mar, 2022 - 12:12PM

Some really harsh comments being espoused here! The author met a ‘wonderful lady’, ‘the connection was definitely there’” and “I love her personality”! So many positive statements and yet the selfish prig zones in on the size of her breasts because he was “disappointed” when she finally condescended to get physical with him. “I feel I’ve been lied to”! Wtf! She probably felt the same when he whipped out the banana he’d stuffed down his Y fronts! I find it quite galling that the author is seeking sympathy for his experience with this amazing lady! I note that he makes no reference to her sexual prowess in the bedroom; her energy, passion or enthusiasm. The author should consider himself lucky that the lady in question chose to spend her time with such an insensitive oaf! So she’s not your cup of tea: guess what, try a different brand and add two lumps of sugar!!

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1469532 - 22 Mar, 2022 - 11:32AM

Pass her over. I like skinny girls

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Polycarbonate - 22 Mar, 2022 - 10:57AM

What's with all these dear marge letters? What are you trying to fix or avoid damaging?

You make the choice. Do or don't.

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Mad World - 22 Mar, 2022 - 10:32AM

Solutions please ladies

To all aspiring men out there who are titillated (absolutely no pun intended) by the ladies twin assets, please bullet a line or two as to what the specific commentary should be on accompanying profiles if this is one of said chaps red lines.

This sets expectations accordingly. I’ll start the ball rolling, pls feel free to comment or add your own. The chaps are fully engaged on this one.

‘Only the ample need apply’
‘I like going to nightclubs to bust some moves, explain how you like to bust out & why’
‘My love of tits goes beyond the blue feathered variety. Tell me a little about yours ‘


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1473584 - 22 Mar, 2022 - 10:04AM

There’s no point lying on here is there? I have more than a handful and never lie about who I am - you either get me as a whole package or I am not your type - it’s simple, be honest even in these strange quarters. I met a man who said he had girth 
 simply wasn’t the case and along with other annoying traits he had to go. Cruel to be kind (and kindness starts with being kind to yourself!). X

truth and logic - 22 Mar, 2022 - 09:55AM

Do you state you wanted a good cupful? Do she say se was ? If you can answer yes to both then you can you can tell her the truth, if not then enjoy yourself you might not need more , but keep looking just in case. Tits are not the only thing that matters, (its the big cock small cock issue for men) I SAY IN BOTH SIZE IS NOT ALL BUT IT HELPS

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1506940 - 22 Mar, 2022 - 09:54AM

I think this is another good example of the benefits of pre date pics and stories.... connections built on solid foundations 😜

Mad World - 22 Mar, 2022 - 09:38AM

I think you need Claire Rayner or Jerry Springer for this one. Luckily for you, LitFL is here.
There’s a few things you can do

1. Find someone else. Just carry on looking.
2. Tell her she is a ‘game player’ for not being honest about her physical appearance. It’s not like one of the things you ask for is ‘Are you ample enough for me love’? Is it?
Imagine the reaction if you did ask such a question.
3. If you’re wealthy and generous, offer to pay for enlargement.
4. Just carry on and go to the library or local Bridge club together instead.

.what dilemma?! Whatever follows, this is the soundest advice you’ll receive.


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