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When do you know……?

It is so difficult reading between the lines of text messages. Ladies, how do we guys know you are interested, or just being friendly? What vibes should we be looking out for, and what kind of responses strike a balance between being keen back but not disrespectful?

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Comments (229)

1686467 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 10:23AM

Relatively new to this myself.. Month or so..

I've mentioned this approach in another similar FF thread, so will highlight it again here..

Of the two most successful engagements I have had so far, they were primarily due to me being able to provide her with an intro video of myself to set the scene. Now, this does require an element of confidence from the outset.. but let me tell you this guys.. It will mostly impress rather than have a negative effect.

Most people I find like to see who they're going to be conversing with from the get go and if you can both pass that initial private photos test (visual attraction), then a quick 30sec to 1min video (real personality/mannerisms exposure) from the outset and often during the course of your engagement, can go a long way to prolonging messaging and taking things to the next level. Its by no means a guarantee mind.. but i believe it puts you in a much stronger position and makes you stand out from the crowd.

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1688599 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 08:50AM

From a womans perspective after having been contacted by quite a few arrogant and self absorbed men who are only after what I can describe as superficial meetings for one off sex meets, then after a while you can more or less suss out the good from the bad chats.
If someone is interested in something a little more meaningful then they will ask more questions about you and your wants and desires..
When you find someone genuinely interested in you then you will just know!..its about the spark and the connection.

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1617470 - 27 Aug, 2023 - 12:23AM

Eww I've just read the most arrogant profile. Turned me off straight away!

Funguy77 - 12 Aug, 2023 - 08:00PM

Guys and girls I’m a classic over thinker 🤔 💭
What’s your advice to me . I believe my chat is extremely good but recently I’m not getting very far or at least I don’t think I am …

Comment your thoughts x

Parttimebf - 08 Jul, 2023 - 09:44AM

Some people find better alternatives closer to home. But yeah.. be nice if they actually told you that right?

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Parttimebf - 08 Jul, 2023 - 09:44AM

For me being Chinese it's pretty easy. Women who can see past media perception of Asian men already decided I'm attractive enough to warrant an open friendly conversation. And it was clear the level of interest at first meeting... the problem was that these were from normal dating sites... I pretty much only tell them.my situation there and then... too late.

Hopefully I'll have some good experience here.

Culture Lover - 22 Jun, 2023 - 09:26AM

Only been on here a short time after leaving a couple of years back. What got me was the number of women who are short and want really tall men! Why? I'm 5'7" so don't see the problem with 5 foot one or 2 women.

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AdorableOne - 21 Jun, 2023 - 11:29PM

Don't overthink it is the short answer.

If a lady goes quiet it can be for a number of things, from running out of wine lol to being busted by her husband. Changing her mind about having an affair, to just being on the site to try and find her husband :p

It can be annoying when you've put a lot of effort in and end up with nothing but you only need to get lucky once! When you do, it just happens naturally.

Don't take things to heart, spin the wheel and try again, Good Luck!

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Jay122 - 21 Jun, 2023 - 08:50PM

I am pretty new on here and this has been tricky for me also. I have been engaged in message exchanges thinking that there are the beginnings of a connection with a lady to then suddenly go quiet without any further contact. I guess it could be that they have met someone else or personal circumstances have changed, but hope it’s not something I said!?! (I did check back over my messages due to paranoia) .

EmnEm123 - 20 Jun, 2023 - 02:55PM



String a proper sentence together, that’s grim!

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