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Profile Suggestions?

Tips or ways to improve your profile? What makes a profile stand out from the crowd? How personal should you get and what should you include or leave out?

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Comments (194)

OscarWinner - 07 Apr, 2023 - 11:41AM

@ Quixotic it's easily done by using incognito mode in your web browser (Google), you can use multiple log ins that way. Anyone who has worked in IT (like myself for example) would know that

@ Cerce180 I honestly think that some users (and I would guess they tend to be women - as their accounts are free and they can message from their free accounts and we can't) have time on their hands and this is a way of spending time, chatting away pretending to be someone they're not? Just my theory anyway.

@Paula99, correct on all counts. I could not pretend to be 20 years younger than I am and be 6 foot 2 tall and ripped - 'cos it would be obvious that I'm not if I met someone. I mean what's the point in that if you're genuinely here to meet someone to have an affair with.

People indeed are strange !

Paula99 - 07 Apr, 2023 - 09:55AM

It takes some work to run consecutive profiles …you need a good memory and a creative mind..plus you need time on your side…which unfortunately most married/partner couples haven’t got ….if you are just running x amount of profiles with the same MO then you will get found out…😕

Behind the computer screen you can be anyone you want but don’t underestimate the intelligence of others 🤔.
I am a great believer in live and let live but others are not so forthcoming

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1590175 - 07 Apr, 2023 - 08:26AM


Maybe some people like to have alter-egos and like to pretend to be two different characters? I have caught men out in the past doing this, as you say their profiles were virtually identical so it wasn't exactly hard!
They were busted, I was blocked!
Nowt so queer as folk!

1588499 - 07 Apr, 2023 - 07:16AM

How would one even do that? Wouldn't you need a separate device for each profile running at the same time? Seems like a lot of hassle for... what, exactly?

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OscarWinner - 06 Apr, 2023 - 07:01PM

This may be slightly off topic, so apologies for that but I'm a little confused by the preference that some female members have for sporting multiple profiles. It's quite easy to spot them by searching who's online and seeing several similar (in fact near identical) profiles all logging on at the same time. I light heartedly queried the need for this with one lady and she decided the best course of action was to block me from all of them and call me a "nonce" (which I'd like to assure everyone I'm not!). She didn't really explain the need for maintaining so many profiles (she had 4) but I guess it displays a certain degree of ambidexterity and mental agility, so fair play there !

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ExoticOrchid - 04 Apr, 2023 - 06:04PM

C180 - 04:43PM

Oops so it has ... no doubt he'll re-appear as a ghost ship silently gliding in the dark waters ... 🚢

1590175 - 04 Apr, 2023 - 04:43PM

Looks like his ship has sunk already

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1588157 - 03 Apr, 2023 - 09:59PM

Oh dear....

Jolley roger i fear you may be savaged very shortly.......

ExoticOrchid - 03 Apr, 2023 - 12:54PM

jr67 - 12:34PM

I'm sure but the question is ... would she want to? 🤔

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Delicious Chaos - 03 Apr, 2023 - 12:51PM

Speaking as ‘that’ IYM I don’t think you’d manage it my dear

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