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Hearts and Minds

Infidelity is a dirty word? Where does it live though? In the mind or the heart? This site is witness that there are many of us simply not made for monogamy, women as much as men. How many legitimately say they love their partners but...? Why should those two sides of us be incompatible?

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Comments (66)

Scott of the Antartic - 05 Apr, 2024 - 12:37AM

This site is about wetness not witness. We are here for gratification. Cuddles and good sex. We are generally abandoned in the bedroom but have wives and husbands but no intimacy. That is why we are here. So much fun to be had with discretion and decorum? No?

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1659756 - 04 Apr, 2024 - 01:28PM

"This site is witness that there are many of us simply not made for monogamy" - bold statement...

The definition of Monogamy includes within the practice of having sex with one partner exclusively. So implicit within the definition is the expectation your partner is actually having sex with you. In many cases on this site people seek sex elsewhere because they are not getting it at home but do not want to further distrupt an already wounded relationship.

You will find some of us are actually monogamous but resort to "polygamy" when our partner is not being "monogamous" but rather celibate.

It may shock you to learn a lot of people on this site actually only want to have a one person affair. You can love your partner without sex therefore your penultimate question is redundant.

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Prof Sarah Beauchamp - 03 Apr, 2024 - 11:05AM

Ms Enigma, you sound like a very wise woman.

boav91 - 03 Apr, 2024 - 06:47AM

For the first 15 years of my marriage it was good but then we somehow stopped being lovers and became more like friends. She was seemingly content with minimal physical contact in the bedroom and I still wanted more.

Having an affair was not an easy decision and came with lots of anxiety and guilt and to some degree still does. We remain great friends and partners in most things. I don’t like being deceitful, but the frustration was itself insidious. I am not here for another wife or revenge but to stop the rot in some ways and to find that lost intimacy.

Fortunately for me that is what I found. Someone who is in the same position. Neither of us wants to leave our partners who in many ways are more like best friends and normal life enmeshed there. We both know where we stand but we do have feeling for each other too. I realise that can be complicated, but it just happened. We are upfront and had the sit down talk, about boundaries and communication is great. For now it works so fingers crossed it la

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ExoticOrchid - 02 Apr, 2024 - 10:35AM


Hear Hear 👏
Couldn't agree more! 👍

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Enigma.. - 02 Apr, 2024 - 08:25AM

Part two…
Communication and trust are needed.
If you have joined the site to try and find a replacement husband or wife.
You will be bitterly disappointed.
As are those who are just revenge shagging.
If that’s what you are on the site for?
You’re on the wrong site.
By all means have an affair but just don’t get to deeply or emotionally involved.
No I’ve not been hurt and my affairs have all ended amicably for various reasons.
I’ll wish you all the best ladies and gents and you other lot too lol. You know who you are 😏.
Take care 💋.

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Enigma.. - 02 Apr, 2024 - 08:19AM

I’m going to have to say to say this and I, probably, won’t be Ms Popularity after saying it either.
I’m here on Ie to find a lover and have an affair. Not to fall in love.
Yes you can be friends with your lover and there will be some emotional attachment.
For me that’s as far as it goes.
But those who go on to fall heavily for their lover and get to emotionally involved and invested with them are just going to end up miserable and heart broken.
Especially when the affair ends. And let’s all face it. It will end.
I’ve read it so many times, here on Flirt Forum, males and females getting to involved and, some, ending up bitter and resentful when the affair ends.
This will also have an impact on their “real lives” deliberate or not.
I’ve had two lovely affairs from the site and have had affairs before I joined the site.
My lovers and I have sat, well perhaps not sat down lol 😉, down and discussed things.
We have always been up front and have been very open and honest about the af

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Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2024 - 04:41PM

Oldboy74 …

You have certainly opened a can of worms 🪱 😂

Legs and Eyes..
No offense taken and yours was a great post..😊

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Oldboy 74 - 01 Apr, 2024 - 04:23PM

They can never be compatible. Some here say their partners understand but deep down I doubt they do. They probably accept their partner needs to stray knowing that if they do not accept it they will likely lose their partner. But is it right to deny your partner satisfaction of such an essential emotional need. If you truly love someone you would never deny them. True love is not possessive.

Legs&Eyes - 01 Apr, 2024 - 03:51PM

Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2024 - 03:13PM

I didnt really mean women were 2nd class citizens (so I didnt mean to be offensive) - I meant that society is different.
If I was part of the old regime, Id be married with kids... my mum and dad married at 24 and were married till they both died... my dad told me my mum was a virgin when they met (was way too much info when he told me if I'm honest!), but the point is - that was the late 60's..... a decade before was different again...

I just believe society now allows us different things - and we can choose different people to enter our lives for different reasons - and no 'one item' has to satisfy all needs all of the time.....


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