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What Happens At Glasto....Stays At Glasto!

Saucy illicit hook ups - holidays/festivals/getaways are the ideal excuse right?

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Comments (34)

Pink Eiga - 08 Jul, 2022 - 09:46AM

That leaves me with all the daytime ones. Hurray!
Max out the daytime hotel bookings, and a lovely dinner after.

What a wonderful use of 12-14 hours before home time 😁

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FluffyClouds - 08 Jul, 2022 - 08:44AM

If men can only meet in the daytime and not evenings, then I'm not interested. My husband is the same, he has interests and friends, I have interest and friends. The two never cross over. He doesn't know my friends well enough anyway and certainly has no idea where they live. So they are a great excuse. The last time he saw my friends was at a wedding over 10 years ago.

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Paula99 - 08 Jul, 2022 - 05:26AM

The logistics of an affair is how you sustain it and is the most important part..if you want long term you need to plan it and you both need to put in 110%....
If you decide short term is for you then whatever works...
As EE123 and SV22 have pointed out thinking with the brain inbetween your legs doesn't do justice and a quick fumble round the back of the bike sheds doesn't cut the mustard🤔

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ExoticOrchid - 08 Jul, 2022 - 12:25AM

EE123 - 11:51PM

In my experience, a day time meet definitely doesn't mean "a crappy lunch break" but an "Afternoon Delight" (remember that song or you might be too young) with champagne and snacks (my treat) ... then out for a leisurely Dinner in the evening ... back to the hotel for "Dessert" ... usually stays over even ... ! All very civilised. 😉

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EmnEm123 - 07 Jul, 2022 - 11:51PM

Secret Vixen 22

Totally, the I might be able to meet of an evening once in a blue moon with planning but looking for an old fashioned affair?

How does that work?

I may be a bit of an old fashioned vampire, but daytime just isn't sexy!

Then they complain about what they are missing, intimacy, love, feeling wanted.

On a crappy lunch break???

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Delicious Chaos - 07 Jul, 2022 - 08:42PM

Eurgh most blokes on here do daytime only. Not for me, because yes I work. They then say can’t you take a day off….so you want me to take a day off every time you want to meet up?,
Or…they just want a quick bunk up in the car or the woods. Groan
Or they then say well I could possibly do evenings with planning, what that means is….I might be able to meet you in the evening once in a blue moon when the wife lets me out 🙄

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Paula99 - 07 Jul, 2022 - 07:51PM

Come on people give us the lo down on the 'lunchtime shag'?...how...where...?

EmnEm123 - 07 Jul, 2022 - 05:35PM

Each to their own but how do people manage daytime meets?

Does no one have work to go to?

Having an affair isn't the classiest thing to do, but rushed, lunchtime shags?

That's, well, yeuch, why bother?

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ClassyLady77 - 07 Jul, 2022 - 06:54AM

Sexy vixen. I’m the same. I’ve got friends hubby rarely meets. I’ve always gone out without hubby. I think that’s why we’ve lasted so long. Having male friends (gay 😞)?also helps Incase I get spotted, hubby has no idea who they all are.

Although I do try and keep evenings as genuine reasons as don’t want them involved. Daytimes are different 😉

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Summerbelle - 06 Jul, 2022 - 11:06PM

I'm going away on holiday on my own next week and would love to meet someone fanciable for a saucy holiday hook-up!

Chances are all I'll meet are couples who look as bored as hell with each other and families with screaming kids LOL

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