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The 'Average' body

This seems, I suggest, to be often considered differently by men and women.

It does of course perhaps depend on age? I mean is it a size 10 when
considering a woman in her 20's. Or a 12/14 when older say after having
kids? Or even 14/16?

What is a woman's view and also that of a man?

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Comments (225)

1625515 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 01:48PM

Well for me I put average for lack of a better option. I hit the gym every day, my arms, chest and legs are solid as a rock so I couldn't put "cuddly" but I also love to eat so I have a but of chubbyness too. I don't really think any of the descriptors fit me well so I put average.

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1623840 - 25 Sep, 2023 - 12:34AM

Yes attraction is very important but the fear of being not good enough....too thin, too tall, too fat, too short is awful. Not everyone is 100% confident for sure because you are always going to have something about you that is not the next person's cup of tea. I've had to list myself off as 'cuddly'.... wonderful! Now I sound like a soft toy. I'm not fat but I carry a little extra body fat here and there. In a nutshell I have no idea what average is meant to be and I don't care either.

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boav91 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 11:41PM

Damn well I guess bringing maths into this was not sensible. I seem to have made a description of middle of the road, well not middle of the road. Not for some anyway

As for personality well that is entirely more confusing as there there is no two that are identical so there I am not sure average exists.

I think I am going to go back to my slide rules and see what I can work out

mipaulac - 24 Sep, 2023 - 11:40PM

From a good health perspective someone should have the correct height to waist ratio with a firm body, sadly this is no longer the average

1625197 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 11:21PM

I've never seen an 'average body' yet, we all have something about us that's way off the curve. Finding out what can be fun ,😈

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wirralgent48 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 07:49PM

Don’t matter about size ,looks etc if there is a spark that’s what counts .never judge a book by its cover although I suppose we are are vain in some aspect or other and have a type of size ,look that we go for

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PonderingOne - 24 Sep, 2023 - 01:32PM

Average is a statistical measure which will change over time. I don’t think Age matters unless you segment the population and think comparison unhelpful. For me, the more important question is about how we feel about our bodies and how comfortable we are with them. What is perceived as average for one will be different for another as is a relative measure. Sexy and desirability comes in many forms and sizes!

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1623804 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 09:37AM

I apologise if this has been said further down I have not ready all the comments.

The perception on our size or shape should not be the thing that defines us. I'm 5ft 11 and wear 34 inch waist jeans, I am medically on the verge of being over weight does that mean I'm average or the next category up.

We all have to try and 'sell' ourselves to an extent on here and if someone wants to describe themselves in a certain way then that's there right and if it helps their confidence even better.

Cheesypuff - 16 Apr, 2023 - 05:37PM

Paula99 - 15 Apr, 2023 - 07:09AM

Either way it'll melt in your mouth Mrs P 😉

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Cheesypuff - 16 Apr, 2023 - 05:35PM

WillKr - 15 Apr, 2023 - 07:47AM


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