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Distance and how to get a reply?

I live in the far tip of Cornwall
Tried every website and app known to man for the last 4 years
There’s just no one local to me
Apart from the obvious answer of to move
What can I do to attract someone?
Post Covid everyone wants to buy a house in cornwall and Devon
But why does no one seem to want to date?

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Comments (189)

Syphyjohn - 20 Mar, 2023 - 11:15AM

Unfortunately, people in general are lazy arses and so it is up to us to make the effort when we live in rural or far flung places. What gets me is that there is probably a women nearby who wants some attention but does not advertise it and here am I, contemplating driving 100 miles to see a woman who does. The World is a strange place. How am I going to be carbon neutral in 2 years time?

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1579641 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 10:27AM

I too live in a rural area so I’m always expecting to travel maybe up to an hour, to meet halfway would be even better, my business takes me all over the uk but I can’t rely on that to take me to the right area all the time, my last affair from here was only 15 minutes away so it was very easy to meet at short notice

ttam01 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 10:15AM

Greater Anglian rail aren't good news for prospective daters! No-one trusts them to get to a destination on time & there's maybe still something about men with cars being a big plus.The logistics of travel has been givento me as a reason for refusal (esp & understandable if recipient is a Londoner living nowhere near Liverpool St hub - I'd travel in from Essex/Suffolk border).The more common response sadly is no response ie. no answer at all or a few 'your profile & 'message raise red flags' type ones which I'd love to discuss one to one as I've no idea what they mean.In the end, we can only be ourselves - I won't tell porkies just to secure a date & then disappoint the woman prepared to give it a go. Maybe under promising & over delivering isn't the best online dating technique?

1588499 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:52AM

Zyphod - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:50AM

That's definitely an excuse! 😁

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1100888 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:50AM

I've had the opposite (although could have just been an excuse), that we are too close for comfort a 45min trip by car or train. The only common place we "could" bump into each other being IKEA half way between.

1529050 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:50AM

I don’t understand if you’re willing to make the effort ….

One of my IEs lived in Dorking … no issue at all

Sorry it seems to be a barrier as I would think you live in an accessible area ??

1408586 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:49AM

I completely agree Quixotic

‘I’m looking for someone more local’ is usually my number one thanks but no thanks line.

And tbh I absolutely do want someone local (currently I have that), I find it works much better for me. However as you say for the right person, that was willing to travel close to me… I’d consider a compromise

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1587581 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:43AM

Last year I had a little fling with a Lady that lives in Farringdon....I'd got the whole trip down to military precision, it was 90 mins door to door. I was quite happy doing the trip, she did nothing other than carry on life whilst I made my way into London, which I adored. It's a lovely place to walk around at weekends.

I don't see the issue with a bit of distance if it works. I guess it's more of a problem though if you're meeting half way and both relying on everything running perfectly to give you a couple of hours together.

1588499 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 09:30AM

I think people will make the effort needed in proportion to how much they want to meet up, otherwise perhaps it's just a convenient excuse, or they have lots of options! A couple of hours each on a train can get you a long way across the country and if you are able to meet for a full day or even overnight then it's absolutely worth it for the right person.

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1587581 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 08:50AM

Absolutely I get a train into town....Door to door for me about 1:15 to Victoria or London Bridge plus wherever I then need to get to from there.....I could see the M25 from home if I didn't live in a valley!

It appears (I'm being told) that's too far away/too much time...repeatedly.

I can get to Brighton in 40-45 minutes......that's apparently "too far"...repeatedly.

Not an obstacle I had considered previously. It's interesting how many ladies aren't interested in casting their net much beyond the end of their own town.....

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