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It's in the kiss...

Good kissing, they say, is like drinking salted water...it makes you thirsty for more.
What is your favourite technique, to give and recieve? What makes your brain melt and forget your own address (and that you once had knees). What is your most memorable I.E kiss, and what has you running for the door?!

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Comments (216)

Micky Buble - 12 Sep, 2023 - 12:13PM


Stop it !
You are getting me proper horny !
I read your profile it’s a shame I don’t have much hair ☹️
It’s a shame as I’m a great kisser 😉

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1622718 - 12 Sep, 2023 - 11:34AM

Passionate...Head holding....hair grabbing....lips touching....

A kiss needs to be in the moment...were sparks fly, tongues engage and nibbling occurs...

I like tongue sucking, rolling my tongue bar around his mouth...making him want more from me moaning in his mouth...

The right kind of kiss that makes my body want more....mmmmm.....A kiss that leaves you tasting him for hours.

I also find neck kissing very erotic...both giving and receiving... especially a whisper in the ear or a light scream knowing how good you make me feel....

Wow is it weird to be so turned on just talking about kissing? Xx

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1614937 - 12 Sep, 2023 - 11:12AM

Reading this reprise has reminded me of how wonderful kissing can be. It's been quite a while since I kissed anyone with passion - I hope it's like riding a bike! Moreover, I will make sure that I follow the examples here as kissing without giving pleasure to the other person is like biting someone else's fingernails.

Pink Eiga - 12 Sep, 2023 - 06:25AM

Faith Hill is playing in the background.

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Paula99 - 08 Sep, 2023 - 02:38PM


If you read back to my earlier post in March …you will discover that your post is a variation on mine 😁

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Mellen1974 - 08 Sep, 2023 - 02:01PM

Then there are the kisses elsewhere ... the fistfull of hair grabbed and my head pulled back as your mouth travels down my neck, licking, sucking and biting, to the part where my shoulder meets my neck and teeth sink in. The feel of your breath where you've left my neck wet, then feeling it in my ear that it almost sounds like a growl as you take it between your teeth and pull your tongue giving it a lick better before taking my mouth again.

Then there are the unexpected kisses ... the sweet forehead kisses, the quick pecks of hello or goodbye, the cheek kisses of affection and comfort ... but also the being behind me kisses at the side of my neck and lips brushing me ear with words that can make me melt just whispered loud enough for me to hear even in a crowded place.

Really kissing is the best part of everything with the right lover.

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Mellen1974 - 08 Sep, 2023 - 02:00PM

Can tell so much from a kiss. The curiosity of a first kiss, finding your way just from lips. Is there chemistry there? What kind of lover are they going to be? Are they going to let you take the lead or are they going to control your mouth? Is it going to be the amazing game or give and take sharing back and forth?

It can build up and create an inferno or can calm after a wild storm. Always makes me giggle a bit that can kiss anywhere and no one says a thing but it can be one of the most erotic things to ever do.

My hand at the side of your jaw your hand tangled in my hair staring deep into each others eyes the rest of the world just fades away as our lips meet and slide against each other ... little licks and nibbles as it builds then open mouths and tongues tangling to the point of nearly taking bites out of each other.

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boav91 - 08 Sep, 2023 - 12:21PM

I love kissing. Your lips are one of the most sensual organs in the body. There is something about soft lingering passionate kissing that is magical and for me is probably some of the most arousing aspects of any liaisons

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Yespls - 08 Sep, 2023 - 01:59AM

Spontaneity! The kind of kiss that takes your breath away and gives you flutters are always spontaneous!

Kiss_Lover - 04 Jun, 2023 - 01:25PM

For me, if the kissing isn’t right, the relationship is doomed.

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