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How much contact in between meets is enough contact....

How many messages do you and your IE have in between meets and what do you
think is acceptable? Is once or twice a week enough or do you feel you
must have at least one message per day??

I am happy with a few messages a week, it does not have to be daily for me
but I know others yearn and need that daily message or messages - what do
you like?

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Comments (104)

Sandypops - 21 Apr, 2023 - 11:56AM

Paula & Beckysharo

I've only met one so don't know if there's any physical attraction in person either way with the others. The meet for coffee went well (we chatted so much we actually forgot to order any coffee and were there for 3hrs) πŸ˜‚

I'm attracted to someone who makes me laugh, is flirty and puts a smile on my face when I read their message and a few of them are doing that πŸ˜‚

I suppose I'll have more of an idea once we've met in person.

I'm still trying to navigate my way through everything and am probably over thinking it all.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm a libran and very indecisive at the best of times πŸ˜‚

Paula99 - 21 Apr, 2023 - 11:02AM


You will get some good advice from the forum ..I am sure you will know when you have found your passion πŸ‘

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1408586 - 21 Apr, 2023 - 10:27AM

Have you met them all Sandypops? Have to say you’re very lucky being attracted to multiple men. I have the opposite problem- can never find anyone I want to meet!

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Sandypops - 21 Apr, 2023 - 10:14AM

Love reading these comments, I feel I need to message some of you 'experienced' ladies to get some advice πŸ˜‚
I love the banter, flirting, but equally happy to just chat about normal things.
I've not found my first ie yet, (well I don't think I have) I'm chatting to a few guys and seeing where it leads.
It's not my first rodeo, but my first time on a dating app,
I'm enjoying myself, and don't know how or if I'm going to know who my ie will end up being πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ if you're attracted to multiple men, how the heck do you choose just one πŸ˜‚ maybe I'm just greedy πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

1529050 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 09:27AM

Acpk55 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 11:14PM

This is me and my current IE - I have no expectations of receiving more - I'll tend to send a message if I have something funny or interesting to say - I do not always get an immediate response - but I will get one.

Each relationship has been different - but I am definitely ok without a daily message ....

1408586 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 08:27AM

It’s one of the things I look to fit my style from the absolute start. Because it’s important to me that we have the same attitude to keeping in touch.

There was a really great guy, local to me, who I decided not to meet purely because he was pants at communicating via telegram!

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1590175 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 07:00AM


Yes there is only a finite number of ways to say a) the weather's not bad today, b) did you have a nice weekend and c) I've had a knackering day at work.

1554570 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 11:14PM

A think a few messages a week is fine, daily seems a bit much to me, do things really change daily?

I suppose it only becomes an issue when you are the one often sending the 1st in a message exchange ?

ExoticOrchid - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:45PM

DG - 08:41PM

Absolutely can and does work!
In fact it is an advantage to some. πŸ‘

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1590175 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:44PM

Lord Flashheart

Ha ha the IE Universe is definitely a strange one, its worked for me in the past, other times its been an absolute disaster which I guess is the same on any online dating platform.
Genuinely hope you find alot of fun and good times x

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