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Hair Colour

Why is it that men put their hair colour as brown, grey, blonde etc....but when you see their pic they're bald, or practically bald? I do think that's false advertising and grossly misleading.

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Comments (97)

Paula99 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 09:43PM

If we get into the ‘false advertising’ stage then it’s not just hair colour that is the issue ..it applies to height .. weight ..age ..cock sizes…location…body shape…

Jezuz Mary n Joseph !!!!!!🙄

1683831 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 05:01PM

I have more brown hair on my head than baldness, so where do I stand?

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YourSecretLover - 01 Jul, 2024 - 02:01PM

haha. I'd rather say bald than give a false impression.

I shave my head rather than have bald parts.

Other areas get shaved too :)

1682228 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 01:55PM

Ok well here’s a question… genuinely meant. Is receding in the same bracket…? If head of hair is fine but you’re clearly receding on the sides but front and top normal… what would you classify that as?
I’ve not had the question put to me - but I can see why you’d be pissed off and I’d be mortified if I was in that bracket

JTL100 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 01:49PM

I've been tonsorially challenged since my 20s - no not 1920s - so simply shave off what I do have makes life easier and I have no problems with that.

EmnEm123 - 01 Jul, 2024 - 01:12PM

I expect the men would say the same!

Enigma.. - 01 Jul, 2024 - 10:03AM

I’m actually laughing out loud here.
Hair colour is just the tip of the iceberg 😂

WhiteKnight_99 - 30 Jun, 2024 - 02:08PM

Honesty is sexy as far as I'm concerned...from me and a prospective partner!

Paula99 - 30 Jun, 2024 - 09:16AM

False advertising applies to all kinds on here ….

Storing a picture that was taken in their early 40.s but they are in their 60.s
No wonder the women feel despondent..

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october2023 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 09:22PM

Does AI have hair?

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