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Which chats do you prefer?

Do you prefer chats which are short and banter- like in nature, deep descriptive and intellectual, purely sexual or general boring chit chat about their boring day?

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Comments (99)

DiamondGeezer - 30 May, 2023 - 05:50PM

For me, not having that connection or banter at home is something that i want via IE.

So that connection banter and fun chat is vital.

Though after a while on IE, if the chat isnt directed to arranging a meeting etc then it can get boring.

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rodstripe - 24 May, 2023 - 08:33PM

As usually happens my brain operates on IQ mode 150 but in the right company (x) it is soon reduced to a level below my dog and I become a spluttering helpless imbecile.

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The Joy of Impotence - 24 May, 2023 - 08:26PM

I often find chatting about pituitary gland function a great way to break the ice.
Things usually rapidly progress one way or another from there.

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dirkdiggler96 - 22 May, 2023 - 02:36PM

Proper dirty ones where I get hard and don't know what to do with myself.

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Paula99 - 21 May, 2023 - 04:03PM

Prickly pears…

There has to be some communication otherwise you won’t get a feel for the OP ..I do agree you can’t just go on for weeks chatting without a thought about meeting as it rarely happens….you get in the ‘friend zone ‘

Maybe you are a little too prickly 😊

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Johnnylondon - 21 May, 2023 - 07:01AM

@picklepear - I'm rubbish at writting and much better in person but I do agree with Dotty what else would you like the to say? It would be odd (and a little wreckless) if someone messaged me saying don't tell me anything let's just meet.
And even if that did happen, you might turn up and find out you don't like them. Which would be more of a waste of time no?

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1529050 - 18 May, 2023 - 02:26PM

PricklyPears - 18 May, 2023 - 01:15PM

What do you want their messages to say then ?

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PricklyPears - 18 May, 2023 - 01:15PM

Too many chat about their life stories. Sex scenarios. Ridiculous poetic, romantic crap. Days and days chatting. Droning on. Save that for the meet, if you do intend to meet. Arrange a meet. If you don't, stop wasting people's time.

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1582640 - 17 May, 2023 - 02:11PM

I struggle with small-talk such as about how one is or plans for the weekend so if it feels right I’ll seek to skip all that and go deep but it’s not easy. I’m naturally cheeky, daring I suppose but with a stranger it can come over badly.

Does anyone else get regular messages from the same people (unprompted) as if they are actively interested yet the messages don’t really relate to past convos? I get this a bit and cant make out if they are just messing me about.

Got to a point with one I told her I’d made a short vid so she can really ‘get’ me but she messaged saying she was decorating and what am I drinking??

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Baltibob - 17 May, 2023 - 12:20PM

be nice to have a chat. one member told me they wanted to chat, tried to reply and she barred me. Some people are really queer!

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