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The L word....

What is your L word, is it Lust or Love? For me the affair and the
excitement is just pure unadulterated LUST, but how many of us here fall
prey and fall in love, do we cross a line when our lust turns to love....

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Comments (116)

1529050 - 13 Aug, 2023 - 07:33PM

Well let’s see if Admin actually publish comments …

Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 02:55PM

Really sorry but you need to wake up and smell the coffee … this guy has behaved appallingly and I’m sorry. But now’s the time to take back your self respect and delete this guy from your life.

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1529050 - 13 Aug, 2023 - 04:35PM

Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 02:55PM

Mate … hope I don’t sound harsh .. but cake and eat it comes to mind.

I’m sorry you’ve had this experience… but believe me .., press that block button followed by delete.

Your marriage is not great so why jump into an affair with someone who is not treating you correctly.

Chalk this one up and move on .. others will confirm I’m of the ilk if it’s not fun .. run … do not get involved in your lover’s life … if it gets complicated it’s not a fun affair !

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Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 02:55PM

Thanks for your comments, I knew I'd get some wise words and sensible advice 😊
I'm going to take a break and have updated my profile so I don't get messages.
I just need headspace to breathe and reevaluate things and decide what I want to do and can cope with doing.
Tbh I'm only still in my marriage because I don't want to cause upset to anyone. I know I need to give myself a good slap, sort myself out and do a first for me and put myself first.

And Finguy, why are you lost?

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Funguy77 - 13 Aug, 2023 - 11:16AM

My L word is “Lost”

ExoticOrchid - 13 Aug, 2023 - 10:57AM

Sandypops ... I've got to agree with Legs&Eyes I'm afraid ... be strong ... put yourself first.

As for this man ... granted he was "honest" from the start but I can't help thinking (sorry to say) he was also using you under the guise of this "honesty" ... 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Legs&Eyes - 13 Aug, 2023 - 10:02AM


In essence, this is your wake-up moment.

Affairs end, they are temporary parts of your life and the guy's life.... you've had a great time and he's moved on.... one of you would have always moved on at some point....

I think you need to just have a little while re-adjusting your frame of what this is, and what this is NOT.... and then climb back aboard with a new view of it.

But if its about long-term commitments then this just isnt going to fix for you and what I think you could be looking for..... take it for what it is, enjoy it, get the confidence that that gives you and use that as a strength...

Sending you a massive hug and kiss xx

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Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 10:00AM

I should also add that we had sex on every dog walk, but you'll be pleased to know his dog still got a good walk (and treats) so we didn't neglect her. 😂

Legs&Eyes - 13 Aug, 2023 - 09:59AM

Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 09:18AM

Oh Sandy!!! Sending you so much love right now xxx

I think from reading everything you've wrote - and only from my own experiences am I speaking - are you placing too much emphasis on the affair being so important in your world?
Are you looking for a happy-ever-after? Because that's not what this site will give you, or what an affair should constitute... If I'm honest, perhaps trying to find the strengh to walk away from the marriage would be a better use of energy - I know its not my place to suggest that, and I know that's not easy... but you've had a great time with the IE guy - he was honest and said he was 'interviewing' another candidate.... I think in fairness you can appreciate some guys wouldn't have told you!

And yes you've fallen for him - but why? And even if the IE situation lasted 2 years, it could end a similar way - and then how much would it hurt??

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Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 09:51AM

I should add that when we met to walk his dog, the time we spent together on the walks was mentally and sexually intimate 😊
We didn't just walk his dog 😉

Sandypops - 13 Aug, 2023 - 09:18AM

I met him in a hotel just before he went on holiday. We spent the day together, room first, then lunch and shopping for holiday clothes then back to the room.
We chatted while he was away and he sent 'photos and videos. When he got back he told me he still intended to meet this woman.
I spent the Monday afternoon with him at his home. Not only sex but sitting on the sofa, cuddling and him rubbing my legs. He told me he was meeting her in the next couple of days.
We chatted every day during the week and on the Saturday he messaged me to say he had chosen her 😭
.../ Cont ... How did I let myself fall for this guy. We only physically met for the first time 10 weeks before but it's been intense and weekly and mentally intimate.
I gave everything I could but I'm still not enough and that hurts like anything.
I think I need to take a break from this for a while. If I return, advice on how to not let this happen again 🙏🏻

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