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Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?

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Comments (175)

Pink Eiga - 15 Jul, 2023 - 04:47PM

Jay122 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 03:36PM

How would it be sustained, if you’re happy to plump for anywhere?

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Paula99 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 04:01PM


Half way is always good as long as it within a reasonable distance …if your 200 miles away and that means half way is 100 miles …not on your Nelly😬

Public place is good ..pub ..cafe ..tea rooms

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Jay122 - 15 Jul, 2023 - 03:36PM

I’d go anywhere for the right person, practicality considered of course!

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Funtobe22 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 06:10PM

Would suggest if I actually meet someone on IE meet halfway point in a public place

Sara123 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 04:53PM

Hello there everyone x

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1586700 - 13 Jul, 2023 - 11:20PM

I think you need goldilocks, no, not someone who steals porridge (why?), but, it should be not too close to be noticeable (and perhaps mundane) and not too far that it is incomprehensible of meeting more that once in a blue moon..

Paula99 - 13 Jul, 2023 - 06:58PM

Fluffy …TBH

I am with you in this one …the extra stress of distances ..road works ..cancellations …all and sundry makes the whole process a no go area for me…I speak from experience..

My children are grown up but a lot have school ages and if your children need you ..you HAVE to be there..

If you don’t have off spring then sometimes it could be husband/family issues. For those who travel for their professions then it is slightly easier..you have a bed 😉for the night..

The key to success is planning and 2 people that are willing to put in that extra 10%….It is rare if you find this in one lifetime ….

My previous job allowed me to indulge myself plus I was younger and it was an enlightening time of my life ..😁

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1608086 - 13 Jul, 2023 - 06:00PM

Depends on the individuals. For example, I travel to London/Edinburgh fairly frequently so it would be handy if my 'opposite number' was around in those locations. I think with a lot of people working from home now it makes day-time fun a bit harder to arrange.

PeteDevon - 13 Jul, 2023 - 03:05PM

yes suppress

1509382 - 12 Jul, 2023 - 12:45PM

Although long distance is ideal for maintain discretion it most definitely impacts on frequency of meets
I suspect most people want close to enable get together readily
It isn’t easy especially if you are married to have an excuse for being away several hours and definitely to share an overnight with somebody
It is obviously easier if one of the two is separated or di or divorced

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